[R-sig-eco] subsetting lower triangle distance matrix based on variable in another object

Jari Oksanen jari.oksanen at oulu.fi
Wed Jul 31 07:13:18 CEST 2013


Subset a matrix an convert to dist. You must subset both rows and columns in the same way, and therefore you must use subsetting index instead of a subset() function. Let k be a vector that is TRUE for selected items; as.dist(yoursymmetricmatrix[k, k]) is what you are looking for.

Cheers, Jari Oksanen
---- alkuperäinen viesti ----
Lähettäjä: Mitchell, Kendra
Lähetetty:  31.07.2013, 02:38
Vastaanottaja: "<r-sig-ecology at r-project.org>" <r-sig-ecology at r-project.org>
Aihe: [R-sig-eco] subsetting lower triangle distance matrix based on variable in another object

I have a number of dissimilarity matrices built in another program that I'd like to subset then run NMS.

#read in distance matrix
b_bc03 <-data.matrix(read.table("bac_final.an.thetayc.0.03.lt.ave.dist", row.names=1, header=T, fill=TRUE))  # creates a 736x736 double matrix

#read in environmental variables
 bac_env<-read.csv("bac_samples.csv", row.names=1, header=T)  # 736 obs. of 6 variables

#The only way that I've figured out how to subset a lt matrix is to convert to dist object first
bc_dist<-as.dist(b_bc03)  # dist[27048]
tx_dist<-subset(bc_dist, bac_env$zone=="TX") # numeric[54316]

Here is where it falls apart, the subset doesn't keep the labels, just the values so I can't convert it back to a distance matrix.  I've looked through ecodist but can't find anyway in that package to select only certain samples.

Help please?


Kendra Maas Mitchell, Ph.D.
Post Doctoral Research Fellow
University of British Columbia

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