[R-sig-eco] extractng coef SE in lme

Kristen Gorman kgorman at sfu.ca
Wed Jan 30 21:16:13 CET 2013

Dear all, 
I am trying to extract the Std.Error of the coef value (Value) in lme models to produce model averaged parameter and variance estimates. See code below:

> Cand.models[[5]]<- lme(delta.15.N~Spp + Year.2 + Spp*Year.2, random=~1|Nest, data=Cks.D5.PAL.INS.DataSet.Sub1, method="ML")
> summary(Cand.models[[5]])
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: Cks.D5.PAL.INS.DataSet.Sub1 
       AIC      BIC    logLik
  408.6659 446.1448 -193.3329

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | Nest
        (Intercept) Residual
StdDev:   0.5284209  0.37663

Fixed effects: delta.15.N ~ Spp + Year.2 + Spp * Year.2 
                    Value Std.Error  DF  t-value p-value
(Intercept)      8.418759 0.1494967 122 56.31401  0.0000
SppCHPE         -0.475943 0.3560323 122 -1.33680  0.1838
SppGEPE          0.124571 0.2186746 122  0.56967  0.5700
Year.22          0.081563 0.2051572 122  0.39757  0.6916
Year.23         -0.190905 0.2060199 122 -0.92664  0.3559
SppCHPE:Year.22  0.958468 0.4430617 122  2.16328  0.0325
SppGEPE:Year.22  0.029929 0.2921685 122  0.10244  0.9186
SppCHPE:Year.23  0.824019 0.4312515 122  1.91076  0.0584
SppGEPE:Year.23  0.461695 0.3000575 122  1.53869  0.1265

I would greatly appreciate any insight as to how to accomplish this...

thank you, 


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