[R-sig-eco] Use cor.test for multiple parameters?

Wayne Richter wxrichte at gw.dec.state.ny.us
Fri Nov 16 18:59:51 CET 2012

Take a look at rcorr() in the Hmisc package. You can divide the P value matrix by the value needed for the Bonferroni correction.

But, with 26 parameters, you will have 325 pairwise correlations. By dividing, for example, an alpha of 0.05 by 325, your minimum P value for significance would be 0.00015. It's going to take a mighty high correlation coefficient to be significant with 60 observations. Take a look at p.adjust.

From: 	Kathleen Regan <kath.regan at gmail.com>
To:	<r-sig-ecology at r-project.org>
Date: 	11/15/2012 8:16 AM
Subject: 	[R-sig-eco] Use cor.test for multiple parameters?

Please forgive me if this question has been answered somewhere else, but
for the life of me I couldn't find an answer (although i have found that
others have asked similar questions.)

If anyone replies, PLEASE keep in mind that I am a soil ecologist with
absolutely no background or experience in object-oriented programming,
which is perhaps why I have not been able to take advantage of existing
help on this subject. If there are answers, I simply do not understand them!

*What I need to do:*
I am trying to generate a table of correlations (26 parameters in columns,
60 data rows.) I need Spearman's rho, the significance level p, and I need
to apply the Bonferroni correction. I also need to export it into Excel in
a nice matrix-y table format.

*What I am able to do:*
I am able to do parts of what I want: with cor() I can generate a Spearman
correlation (but it's very ugly and hard to read or export nicely).
With cor.test I can generate a result when I use only 2 parameters (eg.
soilMois and BD), but I need to produce a table with all parameters
compared to each other.

Ex:     result<-cor.test(AprCorKR$SoilMois, AprCorKR$BD,method="spearman",

Warning message:

In cor.test.default(AprCorKR$SoilMois, AprCorKR$BD,  :

  Cannot compute exact p-values with ties

        Spearman's rank correlation rho

data:  AprCorKR$SoilMois and AprCorKR$BD
S = 49274.48, p-value = 0.003705
alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
sample estimates:

(By the way, I understand the warning message.)

*What I am unable to do:*
Use the function cor.test to generate the output of all my parameters with
respect to one another.

Examples below are of various ways of writing what I want to R:
> result<-cor.test(AprCorKR$[2:26], AprCorKR$[2:26],method="spearman",
Error: unexpected '[' in "result<-cor.test(AprCorKR$["
> result<-cor.test(AprCorKR$[2,26], AprCorKR$[2,26],method="spearman",
Error: unexpected '[' in "result<-cor.test(AprCorKR$["
> result<-cor.test(c([2:26]), c([2:26]),data=AprCorKR,method="spearman",
Error: unexpected '[' in "result<-cor.test(c(["
> result<-cor.test(vars=2:26, vars=2:26,data=AprCorKR,method="spearman",
Error in cor.test.default(vars = 2:26, vars = 2:26, data = AprCorKR, method
= "spearman",  :
  argument "x" is missing, with no default
> result<-cor.test(vars=2:26,data=AprCorKR,method="spearman",
Error in cor.test.default(vars = 2:26, data = AprCorKR, method =
"spearman",  :
  argument "x" is missing, with no default
> result<-cor.test(data=AprCorKR,vars=2:26,method="spearman",
Error in cor.test.default(data = AprCorKR, vars = 2:26, method =
"spearman",  :
  argument "x" is missing, with no default

*What I know:*
I have no missing values, no values of zero, and no typos that I am aware
of. I can display all my data correctly in R (and R seems to read it
correctly, based on what I am already able to do.)

A former colleague wrote a small line of code that does what I am trying to
do but I can't get it to work on my newer version of R. I have R 2.14.2 and
I don't know what version he was using.
His code for this: *result<-cor_test(data="**mydata*

(I include below his entire German instructions. But the code he wrote to
do this job is very short, and I would like to duplicate it if I can. It
provides the results I need in a form I can use.)

* *An additional note:
I have multtest loaded, and in my version cor.test is not written as
cor_test with an underscore but rather with a period. In the version of R
that I am using, there is no such thing as "correlation.r".


("Alb_Gesamtdat_10-03-10_bd_NA.txt") und das R-Skript ("correlation.r")
liegen und das Paket 'multtest' ist installiert

-> Mirror -> Packages)

> source("correlation.r")

> result <- cor_test( data="Alb_Gesamtdat_10-03-10_bd_NA.txt",

> vars=5:23,

adjust.method="Bonferroni" )

Es werden bei diesem Funktionsaufruf automatisch 3 Dateien angelegt:

  - spearman_correlation_coefficients_complete_data.txt

  - spearman_correlation_raw_pvalues_complete_data.txt

  - spearman_correlation_Bonferroni_corrected_pvalues_complete_data.txt

Thanks to anyone who can help me with this!

Kind regards,

Kathy Regan
Kathleen Regan

University of Hohenheim

Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation

Soil Biology Section

Emil-Wolff-Str. 27

D-70593 Stuttgart-Hohenheim

"Traveler, there is no road. We make the road by walking."

phone: +49(0)711 459 23118

fax: +49(0)711 459 23117
E-mail:kath.regan at gmail.com 

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