[R-sig-eco] Fwd: Landscape ecology in R

Dave Roberts dvrbts at ecology.msu.montana.edu
Tue Mar 13 22:41:35 CET 2012


    Take a look at Jason Fridley's pages at


He's primarily using GRASS, but has integrated it with R in many cases.

Dave Roberts

On 03/11/2012 10:06 PM, Manuel Spínola wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Manuel Spínola<mspinola10 at gmail.com>
> Date: 2012/3/11
> Subject: Re: [R-sig-eco] Landscape ecology in R
> To: Sarah Goslee<sarah.goslee at gmail.com>
> Thank you Sarah and Stephen,
> I am in contact with Paul Galpern who developed some tutorials on landscape
> ecology in R (the ones that Stephen pointed out).  He told me that he plan
> to release more in the following months. I offered him my contributions
> because I have some r code to develop spatially explicit occupancy models
> using landscape metrics, combining the raster, dismo and unmarked packages.
> I know that Kevin McGarigal at U Mass has some R material too.
> My idea with the message was to know if there is some tutorial on how to
> use r because many tools on landscape ecology analysis are produced as
> tools or extensions fro commercial software such as ArcView or ArcGis. Even
> open source QGIS do not have a well developed landscape analysis tools for
> landscape ecology, except the one developed for GRASS.
> Is not a bad idea to develop R material for landscape ecology.  I know that
> there are a lot of packages or tools that can do the job but I am thinking
> on some good tutorials on how to combine those tools.  I am an advocate of
> R and open source material and I am sure many in our list would like to use
> as teaching material. I am teaching a course on wildlife habitat evaluation
> (that include a lot of material on Landscape Ecology) and I am using R for
> the labs.  The students really like to see all these analysis in R.
> Best,
> Manuel

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