[R-sig-eco] split-split-plot design and adonis
Steve Brewer
jbrewer at olemiss.edu
Thu Mar 8 20:07:15 CET 2012
Seems like a clever and reasonable approach, but I have a couple of
First, it seems that with this approach, you cannot evaluate the sediment
x hydrology, the sediment x depth or the sediment x hydrology x depth
interactions. I'm not sure if Arnaud is interested in these interactions,
but one generally is in most split-plots.
Second, I tried your approach with my own data (which is just a split
plot). Perhaps I did it wrong, but the resulting anova seems wrong to me.
The residual df are too high, I think because the analysis is not taking
the strata variation and its df (in Arnaud's case, the site effect) out of
the error term.
Here's a suggestion. First, simplify Arnaud's design to a split plot
(removing the depth effect. In the species file, this will entail summing
abundances across depths for each site x hydrology combination.
Use a design predictor file as originally described by Arnaud (except
without the depth factor); I.e., site1, site2, ... site9, three sediment
types - sed1, sed2, sed3, and two hydrology types - dry, wet.
To analyze the split-plot effects, I would suggest the following
Adonis(community ~ sediment*hydrology + site, strata = site)
You should get an anova table that will give you the sediment main effect,
the hydrology main effect, the sediment*hydrology interaction, the site
effect (probably not of interest), and residual error. ***Note that the
sediment main effect is garbage here because it is tested with the
residual error term, which is not the correct error term and must be
disregarded; Your approach to getting it seems reasonable to me.*** The
hydrology effect and the hydrology*treatment interaction should be
correct, however, because both are tested with the residual (I.e.,
split-plot) error term.
For the split-split plot effects, you need to make a term equivalent to
the site x hydrology term (as described by Arnaud). That will be the
strata effect for the split-split plot (but not for the split-plot
effects). In this case, you'll use a species dataset in which the
abundances are not summed across depths for each site x hydro combination.
This is identical to the original species data file. In this case, I
suggest the following analysis:
Adonis(community ~ sediment*hydrology*depth + site_hydro, strata =
Here, you disregard all results except those of depth and its interactions
with sediment and/or hydrology.
Another possible way to test the sediment main effect would be to create a
new species data file in which abundances are summed across all
hydrologies and depths for each site. The adonis statement is then simply:
Adonis(community ~ sediment)
I'd appreciate any feedback.
J. Stephen Brewer
Department of Biology
PO Box 1848
University of Mississippi
University, Mississippi 38677-1848
Brewer web page - http://home.olemiss.edu/~jbrewer/
FAX - 662-915-5144
Phone - 662-915-1077
On 3/5/12 4:45 AM, "Kay Cichini" <kay.cichini at gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Arnaud and list-members,
>what about the following:
>nobs = length(Site)
># depth and hydrology are nested within sites:
>table(Site, Depth)
>table(Site, Hydrology)
># so the following call is ok as it restricts permutation on sites -
># that is, levels of depth and hydrology are shuffled only within and not
># across sites:
>community <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * 3, 10, 1), nobs, 3)
>adonis(community ~ Hydrology * Depth, perm = 999, strata = Site)
># sediment is different:
>table(Site, Sediment)
># to allow for this structure you would need to shuffle sites as
># a whole. the below restriction will randomly assign levels of sediment
># to the sites - like this:
>ctrl = permControl(strata = Site, permute.strata = TRUE)
>table(Site, perm.Sediment = Sediment[permuted.index2(nobs, control =
>### to test sediment you'd need a customized code:
>(fit <- adonis(community ~ Sediment, permutations = 1))
>### number of perms
>B <- 999
>### setting up frame which will be populated by
>### random r2 values:
>pop <- rep(NA, B + 1)
>### the first entry will be the true r2:
>pop[1] <- fit$aov.tab[1, 5]
>for(i in 2:(B+1)){
> idx <- permuted.index2(nobs, control = ctrl)
> fit.rand <- adonis(community ~ Sediment[idx], permutations = 1)
> pop[i] <- fit.rand$aov.tab[1,5]
>### get the p-value (H0: Sediment has no effect on location of
>print(pval <- sum(pop >= pop[1]) / (B + 1))
>### make a histogram to see random R2-values and the true one:
>hist(pop, xlab = "Population R2")
>abline(v = pop[1], col = 2, lty = 3)
>What do you think?
>2012/3/4 Arnaud Foulquier <arnaud.foulquier at gmail.com>
>> I have run the two analysis. The only differences are the p-values that
>> appear in the anova tables. Other values (Df, SumsOfSqs, MeanSqs,
>> are not modified because they are calculated on the "original" (not
>> permuted) data.
>> The p-value is calculated by comparing the value of F obtained with the
>> original data to the distribution obtained by permutations. If i
>> well, the strata argument is used to constrain the permutations of the
>> original data within the groups specified in the strata argument. The
>> distribution of the F-statistic that is generated by permutations is not
>> the
>> same according to whether the strata argument is specified or not. This
>> why the p-values are modified when the strata argument is specified.
>> However, I'm not sure that strata=Site_Hydro correctly specify the
>> structure of my data.
>> --
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