[R-sig-eco] PCA

David Zeleny zeleny.david at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 10:02:39 CET 2012

Dear Sami,
if the similarity matrix is based on euclidean distances of original
data, then principal coordinate analysis (e.g. cmdscale in R) on this
distance matrix should return the same result as would principal
correspondence analysis on primary data.

2012/3/3 Sami Rabei <samirabei at mans.edu.eg>:
> Dear All
> If I have a similarity matrix, It is possible to have a PCA (Principal
> component for it.
> Sami Rabei
> http://mansoura.academia.edu/SamiRabei
> ----------------------------------
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David Zeleny
Department of Botany and Zoology, Masaryk University
Kotlarska 2, 611 37 Brno
Czech Republic
email: zeleny at sci.muni.cz
URL: http://www.sci.muni.cz/botany/zeleny/english.php

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