[R-sig-eco] list administrative update

Sarah Goslee sarah.goslee at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 19:48:03 CET 2012

Dear list,

After discussion on the R-devel list and consultation with the
co-administrator of the r-sig-ecology group (this list), I've made
some slight changes to the description of the list to make it more
obviously welcoming to a diverse group of users. This was prompted by
discussion of whether to create a separate r-sig-hydrology, but
bringing those people into this list seemed a better solution.

The new descriptions:

R-sig-ecology -- R for use in ecological and environmental data analysis

About R-sig-ecology 	

The purpose of R-sig-ecology is two-fold. First, we want to provide a
discussion forum for those analyzing ecological and environmental data
with R, including but not limited to vegetation, soils and hydrology.
Second, we want to encourage R users of all ability and experience to
participate so that we may grow the community of ecologists and
environmental scientists that use R.

The types of analytical techniques and topics that are appropriate for
discussion on R-sig-ecology are quite broad. For examples of what
might be appropriate for discussion on this list, please see the
Environmentrics Task View
(http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Environmetrics.html). While the
analyses and packages listed in this task view are not the only
acceptable topics for disucssion on R-sig-ecology, many related
subjects (e.g. spatial data analysis, phylogentics, bioinformatics,
etc.) have existing SIGs or task views. Questions related to these
topics will not be rejected by R-sig-ecology, but the poster should
know that better advice might be available through other, more
appropriate discussion lists.

Sarah Goslee

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