[R-sig-eco] adehabitat and Lat Long data

Pinaud David pinaud at cebc.cnrs.fr
Tue Aug 28 09:37:13 CEST 2012

Hi Mike,
you could use these homemade First Passage Time functions, based on 
Fauchald & Tveraa, Ecology (2003), 84:282-288 and the trip package. It 
uses distance calculation in km if longlat=T (DD) or in CRS unit if data 
are projected. You could use then  Lavielle's method, used by Barraquand 
and Benhamou (Ecology, 2008).

##### an example:

### FPT analysis:
## use the FPT4.r function collection. Data are a trip object ("tr2")

scales <- c(seq(0.01, 0.1, by=0.01), seq(0.2, 1, by=0.1), seq(1.2, 5, 
by=0.2), 6:30)      # the scales at which FPT (=radius) is calculated
tr2.cut <- FPT.cut(tr2, d=0.05)  # cut the trip at every d distance (= 
add intermediate locs)
loc.fpt <- FPT.calc(tr2.cut, r=scales)  # calculate FPT, can be quite 
long (several minutes)...

                      # draw the log(FPT)=f(scales) plot
savar <- FPT.vargraph(loc.fpt, r=scales, name="tr2", plotit=T, saveit=F) 
# peaks of variance at 0.1 and 8 km -> ARS at these scales

                     # draw  FPT at ARS scales (here 0.1 km) against 
time since departure:
plot(x=getTimeID(loc.fpt)[, 1], y=loc.fpt at data[, "r0.1"], t="l", 
main="FPT at 0.1km scale", xlab="Time since departure", ylab="FPT at 0.1 

         # to find where (when) ARS occured. This segmentation is based 
on Lavielle's method, used by Barraquand and Benhamou (Ecology, 2008).

             # ex at 0.1 km
l.1 <- lavielle(loc.fpt at data[!is.na(loc.fpt at data$r0.1), "r0.1"], Lmin=2, 
Kmax=20, ld=2)
chooseseg(l.1) # give the number of segments to keep, here we should use 
fp1 <- findpath(l.1, 3)     # cut the path into K segments and give the 
row ID of segement limits


Le 27/08/2012 16:37, Mike a écrit :
> Hi
> I have ARGOS satellite tag data from some some very long distance traveling
> sharks.  These
> critters cover large chunks of the Atlantic; coordinates are in
> decimal degrees.
> It would love to apply the residenceTime function in the adehabitat package
> to try and segment the paths into broad homogeneous bouts of movement (i.e.
> migration, seasonal residence/feeding areas etc).  But as far as I can tell
> from the documentation and the examples it seems that the data must be in
> some sort of Cartesian coordinate system.  Conversion to UTM's wouldn't be
> practical in
> this case because the movement tracks encompass many UTM zones.  Is there
> a way to do the residence time analysis in adehabitat using data in decimal
> degrees that perhaps I am just missing?
> If not, does anybody have any code or recommendations for another way to go
> about this?  Any insight appreciated!
> Thanks
> -Mike
> --
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Dr. David PINAUD
Ingénieur de Recherche "Analyses spatiales"

Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé - CNRS UPR1934
79360 Villiers-en-Bois, France
poste 485
Tel: +33 (0)
Fax: +33 (0)


-------------- next part --------------
                     ###########  FIRST-PASSAGE TIME ANALYSIS  ###########
# v.25/06/2012
# David PINAUD, pinaud at cebc.cnrs.fr, June 2012. Developped with R 2.14.2 (2012-02-29)
# Many thanks to LôRan Dubroca and Pascal Monestier
# Based on Fauchald & Tveraa, Ecology (2003), 84:282-288
# - require "sp", "fields" & "trip" libraries
# - input file: a trip object
# Analysis in 3 steps:
#   - FPT.cut() calculates intermediate fixes (X, Y and date) for each successive distance d
#   - FPT.calc() calculates First-Passage Time for each intermediate fix and for each spatial scale "r"
#   - FPT.vargraph() calculates the var(log(fpt)) and plot it for each spatial scale r.


## FPT.cut calculates intermediate fixes (X, Y and date) for each successive distance d (in km if longlat=T or in CRS unit), from a trip object.
## Returns a file to be passed to FPT.calc() analysis. Possibility to keep "extra data".
## Version vectorielle + rapide.....
FPT.cut <- function(tr, d, longlat=!is.projected(tr))
	 tor <- getTORnames(tr)  #  get the DateTime and ID
	 coordnames <- dimnames(coordinates(tr))[[2]] #  get the coord names
	 dist01 <- c(0, trackDistance(coordinates(tr), longlat = longlat))     # distance between subsequent locations, in km if longlat=T or in d (CRS) unit
	 Xv <- c(0, coordinates(tr)[2:nrow(coordinates(tr)), 1] - coordinates(tr)[1:(nrow(coordinates(tr))-1), 1])  # longitude vectors
	 Yv <- c(0, coordinates(tr)[2:nrow(coordinates(tr)), 2] - coordinates(tr)[1:(nrow(coordinates(tr))-1), 2])  # latitude vectors
	 lag <- dist01 / d   # number of intermediate fixes according to d   /!\ d should be in CRS unit or in km if longlat=T
	 nbfix <- trunc(lag)  
	 nbfix <- ifelse(((nbfix == lag) & (lag > 0)), lag-1, nbfix ) # case where dist is a multiple of d and lag==0
	 pos0 <- cumsum(nbfix+1)  # index of locations
	 mc <- as.data.frame(matrix(data=FALSE, nr=(sum(nbfix)+length(nbfix)), nc=5))
	 names(mc) <- c(tor, coordnames, "Origin")
	 mc[pos0, 1:4] <- data.frame(getTimeID(tr), coordinates(tr))
	 mc[pos0, 5] <- TRUE
	 Xvr <- rep(Xv/lag, nbfix+1)  # vectors X
	 Yvr <- rep(Yv/lag, nbfix+1)   # vectors Y
	 rm(Yv, Xv)
	 Dvr <- c(0, rep((getTimeID(tr)[2:nrow(getTimeID(tr)), 1] - getTimeID(tr)[1:(nrow(getTimeID(tr)) - 1), 1]) / lag[2:nrow(getTimeID(tr))], (nbfix+1)[2:length(nbfix)]))  # vectors Date
	 seqr <- sequence(nbfix+1)  # sequence of multipliers
	 Xb <- c(rep(coordinates(tr)[1:(length(nbfix)-1), 1], (nbfix+1)[2:length(nbfix)]), 0)  # basis X
	 Yb <- c(rep(coordinates(tr)[1:(length(nbfix)-1), 2], (nbfix+1)[2:length(nbfix)]), 0)  # basis Y
	 Dtb <- c(rep(getTimeID(tr)[1:(length(nbfix)-1), 1], (nbfix+1)[2:length(nbfix)]), 0)  # basis DateTime
	   # calculus:
	 mc[mc$Origin==FALSE, coordnames[1]] <- Xb[mc$Origin==FALSE] + Xvr[mc$Origin==FALSE] * seqr[mc$Origin==FALSE]
	 mc[mc$Origin==FALSE, coordnames[2]] <- Yb[mc$Origin==FALSE] + Yvr[mc$Origin==FALSE] * seqr[mc$Origin==FALSE]
	 mc[mc$Origin==FALSE, tor[1]] <- Dtb[mc$Origin==FALSE] + Dvr[mc$Origin==FALSE] * seqr[mc$Origin==FALSE]
	 rm(Xvr, Yvr, Dvr, seqr, Xb, Yb, Dtb)
	 mc[, tor[1]] <- mc[, tor[1]] +  as.POSIXct("1970-01-01 00:00:00", "GMT") 
	 mc[, tor[1]] <- as.POSIXct(mc[, tor[1]], tz="GMT")
	 mc[, tor[2]] <- getTimeID(tr)[1, 2]
	  # extra data
	 if(ncol(tr at data)>4) {
		 	"%w/o%" <- function(x, y) x[!x %in% y] #--  x without y
		 	cd <- tr at data[, colnames(tr at data) %w/o% tor]
			kept <- as.data.frame(matrix(data=NA, nr=(sum(nbfix)+length(nbfix)), nc=ncol(cd)))
			names(kept) <- colnames(cd)
			kept[pos0, ] <- cd
			mc <- data.frame(mc, kept)
			# trip
		coordinates(mc) <- coordnames             #  is now a 'sp' object  (SpatialPointsDataFrame)
		proj4string(mc) <- CRS(proj4string(tr))         # set the coord system / projection
		mc <- trip(mc, tor)    # a trip object, "locs$device_info_serial"  as factor
	 rm(nbfix, pos0, mc, kept, cd)


## "FPT.calc" calculates First-Passage Time for each successive fix of "tr" object (coming from FPT.cut() ) and for each spatial scale "radii".
## "tr" is the result of "FPT.cut", "radii" is a sequence of each spatial scale to be tested in km (if tr is longlat) or in coordinate unit si tr is projected.
FPT.calc <- function (tr, radii)  
	options(digits = 10)
	startTime <- Sys.time()	
	fpt2 <- NULL
	n <- nrow(tr at data)
	for (i in 1:n)
		disttemp <- spDistsN1(pts=as(tr, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")[i:n,], pt=as(tr, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")[i,], longlat = !is.projected(tr))
		distclas <- cut(disttemp, breaks=c(0, radii, (max(radii)+ceiling(diff(range(radii))/length(radii)))), include.lowest = T)
		fpt.fwd <- tapply(getTimeID(tr)[i:n, 1], distclas, min) - as.numeric(getTimeID(tr)[i, 1])
		disttemp <- spDistsN1(pts=as(tr, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")[1:i,], pt=as(tr, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")[i,], longlat = !is.projected(tr))
		distclas <- cut(disttemp, breaks=c(0, radii, (max(radii)+ceiling(diff(range(radii))/length(radii)))), include.lowest = T)
		fpt.bwd <- as.numeric(getTimeID(tr)[i, 1]) - tapply(getTimeID(tr)[1:i, 1], distclas, max)
		fpttotal <- apply(rbind(fpt.bwd, fpt.fwd), 2, sum)
		fpt2 <- rbind(fpt2, fpttotal)
		 		# time bar:
		tb <- cbind(trunc(n/10)*1:10, 1:10*10)
		if(any(i==tb[,1])) cat(paste("|| ", tb[i==tb[,1],2], "%, ", round(c(difftime(Sys.time(), startTime, unit="mins"))), "min", sep="")) 
  fpt2 <- as.data.frame(fpt2)
	names(fpt2) <- paste("r", c(0, radii), sep="")
	fpt2$r0 <- NULL
	tr at data <- cbind(tr at data, fpt2)

## FPT.vargraph calculates  the var(log(fpt)) for a file from FPT.calc()and plot it for each radius.
## Return a data.frame and a plot for the individual "name". Plot can be saved.
FPT.vargraph <- function(tr.fpt, radii, name="", modes.method=1, plotit=F, saveit=F, type=c("wmf", "png", "jpeg", "jpg", "bmp", "ps", "pdf"))
 r.ind <- radii
 r.char <- paste("r",radii, sep="")
 r.ind <- as.data.frame(t(radii))
 names(r.ind) <- r.char
 r.ind[1,] <- NA
 fptr <- subset(tr.fpt at data, select=r.char)
 for (j in 1:(length(radii)))
  jr<-fptr[, j]
  if(length(na.omit(log(jr))) > 1) { r.ind[1, j] <- stats::var(log(jr), na.rm=T) }
 rfpt <- radii[r.ind == max(r.ind, na.rm=T)] 
 if (plotit)
			pm <- posmodes2(radii, r.ind, numbermodes2(radii, r.ind))
		} else {
			pm <- posmodes(radii, r.ind, numbermodes(radii, r.ind))
  plot(radii, r.ind, t="l", xlab="Spatial scale r (km)", ylab="S(log(fpt))", xlim=c(0, max(radii)), 
										ylim=c(0, max(r.ind, na.rm=T)), main=paste(name, ", FPT analysis", sep=""))
  abline(v=radii, col="grey", lty=3)
  points(radii, r.ind, t="l")
  abline(v=rfpt, col="red", lty=2)
  if(length(pm)>0) text(x=pm, y=rep(c(0, max(r.ind, na.rm=T)/20), length.out=length(pm)), labels=as.character(pm), cex=0.85, font=4)
 if(plotit & saveit)
  savePlot(filename=paste(name,"vargraf", sep=""), type=type)

### FPT.cutsim calculates intermediate fixes (X, Y and date) for each successive distance d (in km) for simulated data (cartesian coordinates).
### Returns a file to be passed to FPT.calcsim() analysis.
#FPT.cutsim <- function (file, Long, Lat, Date, d, datakept=NULL)
#	 options(digits=10)
#	 require(fields)
#	 a <- data.frame(Date, Long, Lat, Origin=rep("FALSE", length(Long))) 
#	 coord <- matrix(c(a$Long, a$Lat), length(a$Long), 2) # XY matrix, to calculate distance
#	 coord <- coord[-length(coord[, 1]), ]
#	 coord2 <- matrix(c(a$Long[2:length(a$Long)], a$Lat[2:length(a$Lat)]), length(a$Long)-1, 2)
#	 dist01 <- c(0, sqrt((coord[,1]-coord2[,1])^2 + (coord[,2]-coord2[,2])^2)) # dist to previous fix
#	 rm(coord, coord2)
#	 Xv <- c(0, a$Long[2:length(a$Long)] - a$Long[1:(length(a$Long) - 1)])  # longitude vectors
#	 Yv <- c(0, a$Lat[2:length(a$Lat)] - a$Lat[1:(length(a$Lat) - 1)])  # latitude vectors
#	 lag <- dist01 / d   # number of intermediate fixes according to d
#	 rm(dist01)
#	 nbfix <- trunc(lag)  
#	 nbfix <- ifelse (((nbfix == lag) & (lag > 0)), lag-1, nbfix ) # case where dist is a multiple of d and lag==0
#	 pos0 <- cumsum(nbfix+1)  # position des points GPS
#	 mc <- as.data.frame(matrix(data=FALSE, nr=(sum(nbfix)+length(nbfix)), nc=4))
#	 names(mc) <- c("Date", "Long", "Lat", "Origin")
#	 mc[pos0, 1:3] <- a[, 1:3]
#	 mc[pos0, 4] <- TRUE
#	 Xvr <- rep(Xv/lag, nbfix+1)  # vecteurs X
#	 Yvr <- rep(Yv/lag, nbfix+1)   # vecteurs Y
#	 rm(Yv, Xv)
#	 Dvr <- c(0, rep((a$Date[2:length(a[,1])]-a$Date[1:(length(a[,1])-1)])/lag[2:length(a[,1])],(nbfix+1)[2:length(nbfix)]))  # vecteurs Date
#	 seqr <- sequence(nbfix+1)  # sequence des multiplicateurs
#	 Xb <- c(rep(a$Long[1:(length(nbfix)-1)], (nbfix+1)[2:length(nbfix)]), 0)  # bases X
#	 Yb <- c(rep(a$Lat[1:(length(nbfix)-1)], (nbfix+1)[2:length(nbfix)]), 0)  # bases Y
#	 Db <- c(rep(a$Date[1:(length(nbfix)-1)], (nbfix+1)[2:length(nbfix)]), 0)  # bases Date
#	 rm(a, lag)
#	   # calcul:
#	 mc$Date[mc$Origin==FALSE] <- Db[mc$Origin==FALSE] + Dvr[mc$Origin==FALSE]*seqr[mc$Origin==FALSE]
#	 mc$Long[mc$Origin==FALSE] <- Xb[mc$Origin==FALSE] + Xvr[mc$Origin==FALSE]*seqr[mc$Origin==FALSE]
#	 mc$Lat[mc$Origin==FALSE] <- Yb[mc$Origin==FALSE] + Yvr[mc$Origin==FALSE]*seqr[mc$Origin==FALSE]
#	 rm(Xvr, Yvr, Dvr, seqr, Xb, Yb, Db)
#	  # ajout de datakept
#	 if(!is.null(datakept)) { 
#		 kept <- as.data.frame(matrix(data=NA, nr=(sum(nbfix)+length(nbfix)), nc=ncol(datakept)))
#		 names(kept) <- names(datakept)
#		 kept[pos0, ] <- datakept
#		 mc <- data.frame(mc, kept)
#		 	   }
#	 return(mc)
#	 rm(nbfix, pos0, mc, kept)
# }
### "FPT.calcsim" calculates First-Passage Time for each successive fix of "a" and for each spatial scale "r" for simulated data.
## "a" is the result of "FPT.cutsim", "r" is a sequence of each spatial scale to be tested in km.
#FPT.calcsim <- function (a, r) 
#	options(digits = 13)
#	require(fields)	
#	fpt2 <- NULL
#	n <- nrow(a)
#	for (i in 1:n)
#		{  
#		disttemp <- rdist(matrix(c(a$Lat[i], a$Long[i]), length(a$Long[i]), 2), matrix(c(a$Lat[i:n], a$Long[i:n]), length(a$Long[i:n]), 2))
#		distclas <- cut(disttemp, breaks=c(0, r, (max(r)+ceiling(diff(range(r))/length(r)))), include.lowest = T)
#		fptav <- tapply(a$Date[i:n], distclas, min) - a$Date[i]
#		disttemp <- rdist(matrix(c(a$Lat[i], a$Long[i]), length(a$Long[i]), 2), matrix(c(a$Lat[1:i], a$Long[1:i]), length(a$Long[1:i]), 2))
#		distclas <- cut(disttemp, breaks=c(0, r, (max(r)+ceiling(diff(range(r))/length(r)))), include.lowest = T)
#		fptar <- a$Date[i] - tapply(a$Date[1:i], distclas, max)
#		fpttotal <- apply(rbind(fptar, fptav), 2, sum)
#		fpt2 <- rbind(fpt2, fpttotal)
#		if(i/100-trunc(i/100)==0) print(paste(i,"th fix on", n)) 
# 	 	}
# 	row.names(fpt2) <- 1:n
#  fpt2 <- as.data.frame(fpt2[, -1])
#	names(fpt2) <- paste("r",r, sep="")
#	a <- cbind(a, fpt2)
#	return(a)
#	rm(a)

# "numbermodes" finds number of modes- Bradley Efron's method
# modified from code (function nmodes) supplied by Rob Tibshirini
# to return only number of modes.
numbermodes <- function(x, y)
        n <- length(x)
        mcount <- 0
        for(i in 1:(n-2)) 
	            if(is.na(y[i +2])) break
              if((y[i + 1] > y[i]) & (y[i + 1] > y[i +2])) 
                 mcount <- mcount + 1

numbermodes2 <- function(x, y)   # fenêtre plus large (sur -2 et +2 points)
        n <- length(x)
        mcount <- 0
        for(i in 2:(n-3)) 
              if((y[i + 1] > y[i]) & (y[i + 1] > y[i +2]) & (y[i ] > y[i-1]) & (y[i + 2] > y[i +3])) 
                 mcount <- mcount + 1

# "posmodes" renvoie la position (x) des modes de "y"
#  selon le nombre donnné par "numbermodes".

posmodes <- function(x, y, nmodes)
	  n <- length(x)
	  mcount <- 0
	  pos <- vector(mode="numeric", length=nmodes)
	  for(i in 1:(n-2)) 
	            if(is.na(y[i +2])) break
              if((y[i + 1] > y[i]) & (y[i + 1] > y[i +2])) 
                 mcount <- mcount + 1
                 pos[mcount] <- x[i+1]
# "posmodes2" renvoie la position (x) des modes de "y"
#  selon le nombre donnné par "numbermodes2", fenêtre plus large (sur -2 et +2 points).

posmodes2 <- function(x, y, nmodes)
	  n <- length(x)
	  mcount <- 0
	  pos <- vector(mode="numeric", length=nmodes)
	  for(i in 2:(n-3)) 
	            if(is.na(y[i + 3])) break
              if((y[i + 1] > y[i]) & (y[i + 1] > y[i +2]) & (y[i ] > y[i-1]) & (y[i + 2] > y[i +3])) 
                 mcount <- mcount + 1
                 pos[mcount] <- x[i+1]

### rdist.earth2 calculates distance between loc1[i] and loc2[i]. 
#   Rlat adjusts earth's radius to the latitude of the first fix of loc1.
rdist.earth2 <- function (loc1, loc2, Rlat = TRUE) 
    R <- ifelse(Rlat, 6378137 * (1 - 0.0033493*sin(loc1[1,2])^2)/1000, 6378.388)
    if (missing(loc2)) 
        loc2 <- loc1
    coslat1 <- cos((loc1[, 2] * pi)/180)
    sinlat1 <- sin((loc1[, 2] * pi)/180)
    coslon1 <- cos((loc1[, 1] * pi)/180)
    sinlon1 <- sin((loc1[, 1] * pi)/180)
    coslat2 <- cos((loc2[, 2] * pi)/180)
    sinlat2 <- sin((loc2[, 2] * pi)/180)
    coslon2 <- cos((loc2[, 1] * pi)/180)
    sinlon2 <- sin((loc2[, 1] * pi)/180)
    pp <- (coslat1 * coslon1 * coslat2 * coslon2) + (coslat1 * sinlon1 * coslat2 * sinlon2) + (sinlat1 * sinlat2)
    R * acos(ifelse(pp > 1, 1, pp))

# calcul de distance sur le globe terrestre (je fais confiance!!)
disttraj <- function(LAT1, LAT2, LONG1, LONG2)
	  dist1 <- (((((((LAT2-LAT1)*3600)*6335508)*((1-0.00672267*((sin(((LAT2+LAT1)/2)*2*pi/360))^2))^(-2/3))*(1/206265))^2)+(((((LONG2-LONG1)*3600)*6378388)*((1-0.00672267*(sin(((LAT2+LAT1)/2)*2*pi/360)))^(-1/2))*(1/206265)*(cos(((LAT2+LAT1)/2)*2*pi/360)))^2))^(1/2))/1000

  # calcul du ratio Lon/Lat pour les graphs (à passer dans asp=)
asp.rect <- function(Long, Lat) {
		coord.m <- data.frame(mean(Long), mean(Lat))
		d1.long <- rdist.earth2(coord.m, coord.m+c(1,0))
		d1.lat <- rdist.earth2(coord.m, coord.m+c(0,1))
		rap <- d1.lat/d1.long

# fonction distp en version longitude latitude
distp2 <- function(latp, longp, lat, long) 
     # latp et longp sont de dimension1, lat et long sont de meme dimension n  
      n <- length (lat)
      dist <- rep(0, n)
      dist <- disttraj(rep(latp, n), lat, rep(longp, n), long)


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