[R-sig-eco] error distribution in GLM model

Mario Serrajotto mario.serrajotto at gmail.com
Sun Aug 19 18:14:20 CEST 2012

Dear R-users,

apologies for the total beginner's question. I have some behavioural
data expressed in number of interactions measured over a certain
amount of time (expressed in minutes). I have calculated the number of
interactions per minute and I would like to model this variable as a
function of a covariate. I am, however, struggling with the choice of
the argument family. I have thought to log transform the data and
model them with a GLM by specifying a Gaussian family. Unfortunately
for me my data do not seem to follow a normal distribution. I then
recalled that my response is some kind of proportion and should
perhaps be modelled with binomial GLM. But the data are not bounded
from 0 to 1...Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Please see
data and R code at the bottom of the e-mail.



# number of interactions recorded

# observation time (in minutes)

# covariate

# calculate total number of interaction per minute

# fit glm

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