[R-sig-eco] help with pvclust

Olmo ulmusnigra at yahoo.es
Sun Apr 29 09:37:23 CEST 2012

 Hi list, I was trying to figure how to deal with some niche
 overlapping analysis but I am here writing you because I am stucked
 with pvclust package. 

 In a few lines, I did the niche overlapping analysis with
 niche.overlap function in spaa package, then I used hclust in order to
 calculate the clusters and I plotted the hclust object. The problem I
 find is that when I try pvclust (I want to have some statistical help
 in order to choose the clusters) I can't use the data dissimilaryty
 data from niche.overlap cause this error:

Error en names(edges.cnt) <- paste("r", 1:rl, sep = "") : 
  el atributo 'names' [2] debe tener la misma longitud que el vector [0]

 Sorry about spanish, I translate the best I can:

Error in names(edges.cnt) <- paste("r", 1:rl, sep = "") : 
  the  atribute 'names' [2] must have the same length than the vector

 Is there any way to use pvclust with the dissimilarity data that I
 have? I am not sure if I have to transpose because I have
 species/species rows columns.

 By and thanks in advance for your time in reading this.

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