[R-sig-eco] Organizing Data for Bootstrap ANOVA

Jane Shevtsov jane.eco at gmail.com
Tue May 17 08:48:05 CEST 2011

How would you go about using boot() and boot.ci() to perform a one-way
ANOVA? I have a hand-coded, bootstrap-based function, but my main
question concerns organizing the raw data, so the problem may be
similar to using the aov() function. In doing a two-group comparison,
you concatenate the two data vectors and make a data frame with an
index. What do you do for ANOVA?

Jane Shevtsov

Jane Shevtsov
Ecology Ph.D. candidate, University of Georgia
co-founder, <www.worldbeyondborders.org>
Check out my blog, <http://perceivingwholes.blogspot.com>Perceiving Wholes

"In the long run, education intended to produce a molecular
geneticist, a systems ecologist, or an immunologist is inferior, both
for the individual and for society, than that intended to produce a
broadly educated person who has also written a dissertation." --John
Janovy, Jr., "On Becoming a Biologist"

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