[R-sig-eco] logistic regression, calculating -LogLikelihood Values

kgorman kgorman at sfu.ca
Mon Mar 28 03:56:36 CEST 2011

Dear All, 
I am running very simple logistic regression in R using generalized linear models (glm) where I am trying to find the best structural size predictor of gender in birds. When I run this analysis in R I receive AIC values, which is good since I am using AIC model selection in this case! However, when I run this same analysis in JMP the program outputs -LogLikelihood Values. Is there a way to tell R to output -LogLikelihood Values? Possibly a simple addition to the summary(model) command? One of my basic models follows:

Mod2<-glm(gender2~Adult.Culmen.L, data=mydata, family=binomial)

I believe that from R's AIC value the -LogLikelihood Values can be calc'd, just wondering if R can simply output these as well?

Many thanks for your help, 


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