[R-sig-eco] null models for a single species

Penner, Johannes Johannes.Penner at mfn-berlin.de
Tue Mar 8 09:54:02 CET 2011

Dear List members,

I would like to test whether an observed occupancy of lakes in a landscape has occurred randomly (by chance) or not.

How can I do that? The problem is that it concerns only a single species and I would like to use binary data only.

At first I thought of generating null models and test the observed occupancy against the randomly generated one. However, this needs more than one species...

Any hints are highly appreciated!

Best regards
Johannes Penner

Museum für Naturkunde (AG Herpetologie)
Invalidenstrasse 43
D-10115 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 2093 8708

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