[R-sig-eco] quickPCNM: Computing power or build problem?

Martin Wilkes m.wilkes at worc.ac.uk
Fri Jul 1 18:18:32 CEST 2011

I am attempting to apply a one-dimensional PCNM using the quickPCNM function.  I have a response variable ("Au"), with 2251 observations, and corresponding 'coordinates' ("time").  I know PCNM wasn't designed for time-series analysis per se but I haven't assigned the data to class "ts" so this shouldn't be any different to a one-dimensional spatial series.

> require (PCNM)
> Au.quick.PCNM <- quickPCNM (Au, time)

After 3 attempts lasting for over 24 hours each time, R seems to get hung up, displaying only the following:

'The sites form a straight line on the map.' 
'Truncation level = 0.040001'

....and this is as far as it gets.

I'm running a 3GHz Pentium 4 with 2GB of RAM - not great but I would have thought adequate enough.  Could it be a problem with my build?

Many thanks,

Martin Wilkes
University of Worcester

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