[R-sig-eco] issue with using different error terms within the same model

Iannone, Basil bianno2 at uic.edu
Thu Jan 20 18:23:33 CET 2011

Dear R users,

I am trying to analyze a data set from an experiment where I measured
nitrate over time. The study was set up in 5 blocks with four plots in
each (For now let’s assume that Block is a Fixed effect). Within each
block I randomly assigned one treatment combination of two possible
treatments (“Mulch” and “Tilling”) at two levels each (absent or present).
I also measured relative water content (“RWC”) in each plot 5 times over
the growing season to use as a covariate. So a model for an analysis had I
only measured nitrate one time would have a sample size of 20, have df for
the error term of 12, and look something like (I am not interested in RWC

        Nitrate ~ Block + RWC + Mulch*Till

But I measured nitrate 5 times over the growing season. So now I have a
sample size of 100 and I want to analyze the following model.

        Nitrate ~ Block + RWC + Mulch*Till + Week + Week:RWC +

The issue is that I cannot figure out how to code the larger model in R so
that the between subject terms (ones before “Week”) are estimated using df
for the error term of 12 (N = 20) and the within subject terms (“Week” and
later in the model) using the df for the error term of 78 (N = 100) (This
value may not be correct). Currently the models I use in R, including aov
and gls (in nlme) produce pseudo-replicated results for the between
subject terms, i.e., they are calculated using the larger df value
assuming that N = 100 not 20.

I would prefer to use the “nlme” package for this analysis because I am
familiar with how to include variance structures if they are needed and I
could treat Block as a random effect if I convince myself that it in fact

Thanks in advance for any advice that anyone can offer.

Basil Iannone
University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Biological Sciences (MC 066)
845 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL  60607-7060
Email: bianno2 at uic.edu
Phone: 312-355-3231
Fax: 312-413-2435

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