[R-sig-eco] logistic regression and spatial autocorrelation

Aitor Gastón aitor.gaston at upm.es
Fri Aug 26 22:29:21 CEST 2011


Nicholas, I understand that the rule of thumb of 10 events per parameter 
comes from model predictive performance assessments and may not apply if you 
are doing inference.

However, I'm not sure that the rule assumes independent predictors, 
collinearity can cause inflated standard errors of the regression 
coefficients, but does not affect predictions made on new data that have the 
same degree of collinearity as the training data, as long as extreme 
extrapolation is not attempted (Harrell, 2001, page 65).

Perhaps 10 events per parameter is a too general recommendation and larger 
samples may be required in some situations. In small sample scenarios, doing 
variable reduction before model fitting (without using the response 
variable) and applying some kind of penalization to reduce the effective 
degrees of freedom will produce better predictive performance.


From: "Nicholas Lewin-Koh" <nikko at hailmail.net>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 7:01 PM
To: <r-sig-ecology at r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [R-sig-eco] logistic regression and spatial autocorrelation

> Hi,
> to weigh in on this:
> @Aitor, Harrell's rules of thumb are assuming independent predictors
> without
> any fancy covariance function. To model the covariance of the residuals
> you are now estimating extra
> 2nd order parameters from the data, so even more data is needed to
> stabilize the parameter estimates.
> The good news is that in the residual space it is the numbers of
> adjacent 0's or 1's that matter.
> However, if the goal is prediction of species occurrence at unoccupied
> sites, than
> you may want to think about the problem differently and use either
> indicator kriging,
> kind of a spatial tobit model to predict probabilities of occurrence
> based on Gaussian random
> fields, or, you might want to look at geoRglm, for geostatistics in the
> glm framework. The problem here
> is, as another poster mentioned, is you may have more of a network than
> a continuous random field, you may
> get around that by using an anisotropic variogram.
> Otherwise, in a prediction model in a regression context, over fitting
> is going to be more of an issue
> than autocorrelation of the residuals. Putting the spatial coordinates,
> or the principal components of the spatial
> weight matrix as one of the predictors may be good enough. Spatial
> autocorrelation really effects the estimates
> of the variance, and comes into play if you want to do inference, or
> estimate confidence intervals/prediction intervals.
> Again, all this assumes you are more interested in prediction than
> modeling mechanism.
> Nicholas
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 8
>> Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 23:22:34 +0200
>> From: Aitor Gast?n <aitor.gaston at upm.es>
>> To: <r-sig-ecology at r-project.org>
>> Subject: Re: [R-sig-eco] logistic regression and spatial
>> autocorrelation
>> Message-ID: <76265B51921941D6ACF52B30985497BB at botanica1>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8";
>> reply-type=original
>> The limiting sample size in logistic regression is the minimum between
>> the
>> number of positive and negative cases, in Tim's data 132 positive cases
>> (species occurrences). A minimum of 10 events per estimated parameter are
>> recommended based on external validation studies to avoid overfitting
>> (see
>> Harrell, 2001. Regression Modeling Strategies. Springer). Therefore, with
>> Tim's data up to 13 parameters could be estimated (e.g., 13 variables
>> without nonlinear terms, or 6 variables in quadratic form, or 4 variables
>> using restricted cubic splines with 4 knots...).
>> Aitor
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: <cparker at pdx.edu>
>> Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 8:08 PM
>> To: "Pedro Lima Pequeno" <pacolipe at gmail.com>
>> Cc: <r-sig-ecology at r-project.org>; "Tim Seipel" <t.seipel at env.ethz.ch>
>> Subject: Re: [R-sig-eco] logistic regression and spatial autocorrelation
>> > Tim pointed put that he has only 132 samples out of 2800 with a species
>> > present and I am curious what people think about how well we can model
>> > that with logistic regression.
>> > -Chris
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Aug 25, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Pedro Lima Pequeno <pacolipe at gmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi Tim,
>> >>
>> >> there are several ways of dealing with spatial autocorrelation in
>> >> ecological models (see e.g. Dormann 2007: Methods to account for
>> >> spatial autocorrelation in the analysis of species distributional
>> >> data: a review; and Beale et al. 2010: Regression analysis of spatial
>> >> data). As always, this is an area of active research, so the right or
>> >> wrong thing to do is not as clear as it may seem. Some have even
>> >> concluded  that "changes in coefficients between spatial and
>> >> non-spatial methods depend on the method used and are largely
>> >> idiosyncratic", so that "researchers may have little choice but to be
>> >> more explicit about the uncertainty of models and more cautious in
>> >> their interpretation" (Bini et al. 2009: Coefficient shifts in
>> >> geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and
>> >> non-spatial regression). Thus, new methods are emerging at a faster
>> >> rate than people studying and comparing their properties. Nonetheless,
>> >> I think some observations are useful:
>> >> 1) there are methods explicitly designed to detect spatial
>> >> autocorrelation such as Moran's autocorrelograms or variograms
>> >> (available in several R packages). As already pointed out, the
>> >> autocorrelation function is "well behaved" with linear, equally spaced
>> >> series in time or space;
>> >> 2) minimal adequate model selection with the AIC is sensitive to
>> >> residual autocorrelation; it tends to generate unstable and overfitted
>> >> models. Thus, when applying any model selection procedure, you should
>> >> account for the uncertainty in the process by averaging the model set
>> >> (or model predictions) with respect to the relative support of each
>> >> model (e.g. Akaike weights). Since you have a large sample, you could
>> >> account for residual spatial autocorrelation using eigenvector
>> >> filtering, which produces synthetic variables that capture spatial
>> >> patterns and can be included in linear models as explanatory variables
>> >> - a more intuitive approach if you don't want to mess with random
>> >> factors (see e.g. Diniz-Filho et al. 2008: Model selection and
>> >> information theory in geographical ecology). This can be implemented
>> >> with packages spacemakeR and vegan;
>> >> 3) autocorrelation in model residuals is not the only - nor most
>> >> important - problem in biological modeling; model misspecification is
>> >> the major issue. Residual autocorrelation often arises due to not
>> >> including relevant explanatory variables, interaction terms, assuming
>> >> an inappropriate response shape and/or an inadequate variance
>> >> structure, or any combination of these. All these things need to be
>> >> checked for proper model validation, for instance by partial
>> >> regression plots (or added-varialbe plots), which help you see the
>> >> shape of the response to each explanatory variable after account for
>> >> the variation in the remaining explanatory set.
>> >> At the same time, you could plot the residuals againts both model
>> >> predictions and explanatory variables. Since residuals are the
>> >> stochastic component of the model ("noise"), its relation with the
>> >> systematic components should be random; clear patterns in these plots
>> >> are indications of misspecification.
>> >> Finally, all this "model tinkering" is based on two fundamental
>> >> premises: you want to model a mean tendecy of response and the pattern
>> >> of variation around it. These are strictly statistical properties of
>> >> data - they have nothing to do with biology. If you don't really
>> >> believe the biological process you are studying implies a mean
>> >> response, but rather e.g. a maximum one (such as in population or
>> >> abundance limitation), than all these methods will actually induce you
>> >> to misspecify the model, but there are alternatives (see e.g. Cade et
>> >> al. 2005 - Quantile regression reveals hidden bias and uncertainty in
>> >> habitat models).
>> >>
>> >> 2011/8/25, Tim Seipel <t.seipel at env.ethz.ch>:
>> >>>
>> >>> Dear List,
>> >>> I am trying to determine the best environmental predictors of the
>> >>> presence of a species along an elevational gradient.
>> >>> Elevation ranges from 400 to 2050 m a.s.l. and the ratio of presences 
>> >>> to
>> >>> absences is low (132 presences out 2800 samples)
>> >>>
>> >>> So to start I fit the full model of with the variable of interest.
>> >>>
>> >>> sc.m<-glm(PA~sp.max+su.mmin+su.max+fa.mmin+fa.max+Slope+Haupt4+Pop_density+Dist_G+Growi_sea+,data=sc.pa,'binomial')
>> >>>
>> >>> First, I performed univariate and backward selection using Akaike
>> >>> Information Criteria, and the fit was good and realistic given my
>> >>> knowledge of the environment though the D^2 was low 0.08. My final 
>> >>> model
>> >>> was:
>> >>> ---------------------------------
>> >>> glm(formula = PA ~ Slope + sp.mmin + su.max + fa.mmin + Haupt4,
>> >>>     family = "binomial", data = sc.pa)
>> >>>
>> >>> Deviance Residuals:
>> >>>     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
>> >>> -0.5415  -0.3506  -0.2608  -0.1762   3.0768
>> >>>
>> >>> Coefficients:
>> >>>              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
>> >>> (Intercept) -73.45212   23.13842  -3.174  0.00150 **
>> >>> Slope        -0.03834    0.01174  -3.265  0.00109 **
>> >>> sp.mmin     -15.34594    5.30360  -2.893  0.00381 **
>> >>> su.max        5.09712    1.70332   2.992  0.00277 **
>> >>> fa.mmin      13.52262    4.64021   2.914  0.00357 **
>> >>> Haupt42      -0.72237    0.27710  -2.607  0.00914 **
>> >>> Haupt43      -0.95730    0.37762  -2.535  0.01124 *
>> >>> Haupt44      -0.25357    0.24330  -1.042  0.29731
>> >>> ---
>> >>>     Null deviance: 958.21  on 2784  degrees of freedom
>> >>> Residual deviance: 896.10  on 2777  degrees of freedom
>> >>> AIC: 912.1
>> >>>
>> >>> ----------------------
>> >>>
>> >>> I then realized that my residuals were all highly correlated 
>> >>> (0.8-0.6)
>> >>> when I plotted them using acf() function.
>> >>>
>> >>> So to account for this I used glmmPQL to fit the full model:
>> >>>
>> >>> model.sc.c <- glmmPQL(PA ~
>> >>> sp.mmin+su.mmin+su.max+fa.mmin+Slope+Haupt4+Pop_density+Dist_G+Growi_sea,
>> >>> random=
>> >>> ~1|group.sc, data=sc.dat, family=binomial, correlation=corAR1())
>> >>>
>> >>> However, the algorithm failed to converge and all the p-vaules were
>> >>> either 0 or 1 and coefficient estimates approached infinity.
>> >>> Additionally the grouping factor of the random effect is slightly
>> >>> arbitrary and accounts a tiny amount of variation.
>> >>>
>> >>> ---
>> >>> So know I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place, on the one hand 
>> >>> I
>> >>> know I have a lot of autocorrelation and on the other hand I don't 
>> >>> have
>> >>> a clear way to include it in the model.
>> >>>
>> >>> I would appreciate any advice on the matter.
>> >>>
>> >>> Sincerely,
>> >>>
>> >>> Tim
>> >>>
>> >>>    [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>> >>>
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>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> -- 
>> >> Pedro A. C. Lima Pequeno
>> >> Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ecologia
>> >> Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amaz?nia
>> >> Manaus, AM, Brasil
>> >>
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>> >> R-sig-ecology at r-project.org
>> >> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-ecology
>> >
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>> > R-sig-ecology at r-project.org
>> > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-ecology
>> >
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