[R-sig-eco] FPT and Adehabitat

Clément Calenge clement.calenge at oncfs.gouv.fr
Wed Apr 21 16:28:29 CEST 2010

Samantha Patrick wrote:
> I'm sorry I think I worded my question badly- I know how to plot the NAs but not how to export a text file of their location or position in the trajectory.  I have checked the help but cannot find anything.
Not sure to understand... an object of class ltraj is a list with one
data.frame per burst (see the help page of as.ltraj). You can therefore
get the first burst by:


Each row corresponds to one relocation (missing or not). The rows are
ordered according to their timing.
You can export this data.frame to a text file using write.table.
Best regards,


> Thank you again for helping!
> Dr Samantha Patrick
> Marine Biology & Ecology Research Centre
> University of Plymouth
> Plymouth
> PL4 8AA
> T: 01752 584699
> M: 07740472719
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clément Calenge [mailto:clement.calenge at oncfs.gouv.fr]
> Sent: 21 April 2010 14:25
> To: Samantha Patrick
> Cc: r-sig-ecology at r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R-sig-eco] FPT and Adehabitat
> Samantha Patrick wrote:
>> Thank you so much - you have been a huge help.  I have followed you recommendation and now I have my trajectories sampled at an equal time period and the missing values entered as NAs.  To continue with my analysis I have been trying to find a way to output the object of class ltraj (in this case yaya3) so I can see where R has placed the NAs and the corresponding co-ordinates of points with FP values (to allow spatial analysis).  However I can only find a function to plot the positions of NAs  - the final hurdle!
> see the help page of plotNAltraj.
> Best regards,
> Clément Calenge
>> Many Thanks again
>> Sam
>> Dr Samantha Patrick
>> Marine Biology & Ecology Research Centre
>> University of Plymouth
>> Plymouth
>> PL4 8AA
>> T: 01752 584699
>> M: 07740472719
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Clément Calenge [mailto:clement.calenge at oncfs.gouv.fr]
>> Sent: 21 April 2010 12:12
>> To: Samantha Patrick
>> Cc: r-sig-ecology at r-project.org
>> Subject: Re: [R-sig-eco] FPT and Adehabitat
>> Samantha Patrick wrote:
>>> The data set is pasted at the bottom of the email and this is the code I am using (excluding data read):
>>> ddate <-as.POSIXct(datetime)
>>> burst<-as.factor(FPT[,6])
>>> id<-as.factor(FPT[,6])
>>> xy<-data.frame (FPT[,7], FPT[,8])
>>> yaya<-as.ltraj(xy,ddate,id, burst, typeII = TRUE, slsp = c("remove", "missing"))
>>> summary.ltraj(yaya)
>>> ayayGPS <- redisltraj(yaya, 500)
>>> fptshort=fpt(ayayGPS, seq(5000,30000, length=6))
>>> I am wondering if the outputs are for the redistributed locations? If this is the case, is there any way to get FPT for raw locations (I want to compare the results with other measures of sinuosity etc.)?  The timing of bursts is not constant though...
>> Actually, when you use redisltraj, you redicretize your trajectory so
>> that the step length is constant (you fix it to 500 metres). Your
>> original dataset has 139 relocations, but when you rediscretize the
>> trajectory, you increase the number of relocations. Indeed, have a look
>> at the contents of ayayGPS:
>>  > ayayGPS
>> *********** List of class ltraj ***********
>> Type of the traject: Type II (time recorded)
>> Irregular traject. Variable time lag between two locs
>> Characteristics of the bursts:
>>    id    burst nb.reloc NAs          date.begin            date.end
>> 1 6.2 6.2.R500      295   0 2006-06-21 15:09:48 2006-06-21 21:16:01
>> There are 295 relocations in your new trajectory. This explains why the
>> fpt returns a data frame with 295 data points. Now the question is: why
>> do you rediscretize the trajectory? You note that "The timing of bursts
>> is not constant". This is expected: the function redisltraj does not
>> transform an irregular trajectory into a regular one (the help page of
>> this function indicates that it is used for "Rediscretization of a
>> Trajectory With Regular Step Length").
>> Looking at the time lag between successive relocations:
>> plotltr(yaya,"dt/60")
>> it appears that a relocation was collected approximately every 2 min...
>> and that there are missing values. Two points are important here:
>> * there should be missing values in the trajectory at several places.
>> Therefore the function setNA may be useful here to fill in these NAs
>> (have a look at the help page of the function setNA):
>> yaya2 <- setNA(yaya, as.POSIXct("2010-01-01"), 2, units="min")
>> have a look at yaya2:
>>  > yaya2
>> *********** List of class ltraj ***********
>> Type of the traject: Type II (time recorded)
>> Irregular traject. Variable time lag between two locs
>> Characteristics of the bursts:
>>    id burst nb.reloc NAs          date.begin            date.end
>> 1 6.2   6.2      195  56 2006-06-21 15:09:48 2006-06-21 21:37:55
>> The number of relocations have increased (there are now 195 relocations,
>> because 56 are missing)
>> * the timings are only approximate. We can "round" the timing to make
>> the trajectory exactly regular (see the help page of sett0):
>> yaya3 <- sett0(yaya2, as.POSIXct("2010-01-01"), 2, units="min")
>> yaya3 is now exactly regular:
>>  > yaya3
>> *********** List of class ltraj ***********
>> Type of the traject: Type II (time recorded)
>> Regular traject. Time lag between two locs: 120 seconds
>> Characteristics of the bursts:
>>    id burst nb.reloc NAs          date.begin            date.end
>> 1 6.2   6.2      195  56 2006-06-21 15:10:00 2006-06-21 21:38:00
>> the time lag between relocations is now constant. This dataset yaya3
>> contains only the original relocations (with rounded timings) + missing
>> values.
>>  **But note that the step length is no longer constant** (but why do you
>> need constant step length in FPT analysis?). Finally use the function fpt:
>> fptshort <- fpt(yaya3, seq(5000,30000, length=6))
>> Hope this helps
>> Clément Calenge.
>>> Many thanks for your help
>>> Best Wishes
>>> Sam
>>> dddate        tttime  Lat     Lon     ID      Burst   xx      yy
>>> 2006-06-21    15:09:48        -5.48138        51.73081        6.2     6.2     742965.87000    5736959.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:12:01        -5.48146        51.73082        6.2     6.2     742960.28000    5736960.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:14:58        -5.48583        51.72864        6.2     6.2     742670.66000    5736703.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:17:24        -5.48699        51.72929        6.2     6.2     742586.76000    5736771.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:20:30        -5.49569        51.73421        6.2     6.2     741960.22000    5737289.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:22:43        -5.51323        51.73561        6.2     6.2     740742.05000    5737387.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:24:56        -5.52846        51.74312        6.2     6.2     739650.90000    5738172.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:27:18        -5.54604        51.74984        6.2     6.2     738402.38000    5738861.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:29:36        -5.56479        51.75534        6.2     6.2     737079.38000    5739411.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:31:55        -5.58231        51.76059        6.2     6.2     735843.10000    5739938.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:34:31        -5.60271        51.76500        6.2     6.2     734413.21000    5740363.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:37:07        -5.62265        51.76815        6.2     6.2     733021.53000    5740648.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:39:26        -5.64052        51.77049        6.2     6.2     731776.44000    5740852.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:42:20        -5.66318        51.77429        6.2     6.2     730194.48000    5741203.40000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:44:42        -5.68139        51.78069        6.2     6.2     728906.38000    5741857.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:46:55        -5.69897        51.78288        6.2     6.2     727682.52000    5742045.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:49:13        -5.71702        51.78535        6.2     6.2     726426.04000    5742264.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:52:13        -5.74030        51.79218        6.2     6.2     724786.32000    5742950.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:54:37        -5.75805        51.79961        6.2     6.2     723526.28000    5743722.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:57:25        -5.78056        51.80464        6.2     6.2     721949.58000    5744212.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    15:59:37        -5.78381        51.80597        6.2     6.2     721719.39000    5744350.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:01:48        -5.78273        51.80650        6.2     6.2     721790.85000    5744413.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:04:06        -5.78262        51.80813        6.2     6.2     721790.77000    5744595.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:06:19        -5.78165        51.80903        6.2     6.2     721852.86000    5744698.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:08:31        -5.78108        51.81042        6.2     6.2     721885.22000    5744853.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:11:07        -5.78012        51.81167        6.2     6.2     721945.56000    5744996.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:13:31        -5.78455        51.81492        6.2     6.2     721624.44000    5745343.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:15:42        -5.80296        51.82131        6.2     6.2     720324.79000    5745997.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:18:00        -5.82177        51.82815        6.2     6.2     718995.58000    5746702.40000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:20:25        -5.84190        51.83592        6.2     6.2     717570.85000    5747505.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:22:42        -5.86282        51.83992        6.2     6.2     716111.21000    5747888.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:25:02        -5.88449        51.84056        6.2     6.2     714615.50000    5747895.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:27:25        -5.90739        51.84269        6.2     6.2     713028.46000    5748064.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:29:37        -5.92828        51.84313        6.2     6.2     711587.50000    5748052.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:32:01        -5.95060        51.84389        6.2     6.2     710047.08000    5748072.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:56:55        -6.17119        51.87331        6.2     6.2     694728.69000    5750729.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    16:59:07        -6.18950        51.87581        6.2     6.2     693457.32000    5750959.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:01:18        -6.20822        51.87589        6.2     6.2     692168.53000    5750918.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:03:31        -6.22717        51.87621        6.2     6.2     690863.23000    5750904.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:05:57        -6.24819        51.87824        6.2     6.2     689408.33000    5751075.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:08:06        -6.26652        51.88070        6.2     6.2     688136.15000    5751301.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:10:24        -6.28705        51.88118        6.2     6.2     686721.86000    5751302.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:30:53        -6.45187        51.88101        6.2     6.2     675380.21000    5750873.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:33:01        -6.45097        51.88106        6.2     6.2     675441.74000    5750880.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:35:12        -6.45016        51.88134        6.2     6.2     675496.73000    5750913.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:37:36        -6.44931        51.88168        6.2     6.2     675554.00000    5750953.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:40:01        -6.45036        51.88182        6.2     6.2     675481.09000    5750966.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:42:25        -6.46744        51.87689        6.2     6.2     674324.60000    5750376.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:47:04        -6.47118        51.86575        6.2     6.2     674110.57000    5749129.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:49:42        -6.47089        51.85771        6.2     6.2     674161.22000    5748236.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:52:00        -6.47270        51.86890        6.2     6.2     673993.44000    5749475.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:54:15        -6.48392        51.87681        6.2     6.2     673191.15000    5750328.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:57:24        -6.48532        51.88458        6.2     6.2     673064.58000    5751190.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    17:59:38        -6.48502        51.88476        6.2     6.2     673084.53000    5751210.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:01:48        -6.48431        51.88493        6.2     6.2     673132.65000    5751230.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:04:00        -6.48373        51.88517        6.2     6.2     673172.08000    5751259.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:06:37        -6.48307        51.88531        6.2     6.2     673216.72000    5751276.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:08:48        -6.48249        51.88548        6.2     6.2     673255.87000    5751296.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:11:37        -6.48168        51.88556        6.2     6.2     673311.19000    5751307.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:13:48        -6.48085        51.88569        6.2     6.2     673368.13000    5751324.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:16:36        -6.48000        51.88609        6.2     6.2     673425.07000    5751370.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:18:48        -6.47963        51.88632        6.2     6.2     673449.43000    5751396.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:21:37        -6.47898        51.88742        6.2     6.2     673489.80000    5751521.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:24:42        -6.47843        51.88777        6.2     6.2     673526.54000    5751560.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:27:44        -6.47785        51.88806        6.2     6.2     673565.54000    5751595.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:31:54        -6.47595        51.88390        6.2     6.2     673711.97000    5751136.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:34:13        -6.47883        51.88695        6.2     6.2     673501.81000    5751469.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:36:43        -6.48925        51.89100        6.2     6.2     672769.77000    5751894.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:39:07        -6.48853        51.89066        6.2     6.2     672820.50000    5751858.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:41:24        -6.48806        51.89093        6.2     6.2     672851.47000    5751888.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:43:43        -6.48760        51.89111        6.2     6.2     672882.66000    5751910.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:46:14        -6.50280        51.89640        6.2     6.2     671816.44000    5752462.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:48:24        -6.51535        51.90130        6.2     6.2     670934.59000    5752978.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:50:43        -6.53180        51.90659        6.2     6.2     669783.44000    5753528.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:52:54        -6.54770        51.91159        6.2     6.2     668670.70000    5754046.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:55:07        -6.56365        51.91854        6.2     6.2     667548.36000    5754782.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    18:57:43        -6.58125        51.92617        6.2     6.2     666310.08000    5755590.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:00:19        -6.59594        51.92229        6.2     6.2     665313.97000    5755125.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:03:32        -6.61737        51.92219        6.2     6.2     663841.38000    5755066.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:06:07        -6.63860        51.92683        6.2     6.2     662364.38000    5755534.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:08:50        -6.65449        51.93002        6.2     6.2     661260.75000    5755853.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:11:00        -6.66988        51.92770        6.2     6.2     660211.40000    5755561.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:19:55        -6.73595        51.92041        6.2     6.2     655694.34000    5754607.40000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:22:07        -6.75289        51.92037        6.2     6.2     654529.67000    5754567.40000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:24:18        -6.76489        51.91180        6.2     6.2     653733.38000    5753589.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:26:49        -6.77896        51.91149        6.2     6.2     652767.36000    5753525.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:29:00        -6.79281        51.91160        6.2     6.2     651814.25000    5753508.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:31:49        -6.80859        51.90841        6.2     6.2     650739.36000    5753120.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:34:13        -6.81951        51.90515        6.2     6.2     649999.50000    5752735.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:37:31        -6.83476        51.90308        6.2     6.2     648957.17000    5752473.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:39:55        -6.84750        51.90275        6.2     6.2     648081.77000    5752411.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:42:22        -6.86246        51.90572        6.2     6.2     647043.59000    5752711.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:44:32        -6.87491        51.90647        6.2     6.2     646184.81000    5752769.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:47:01        -6.88648        51.89641        6.2     6.2     645421.25000    5751627.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:51:26        -6.89770        51.89913        6.2     6.2     644640.49000    5751907.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:53:36        -6.90755        51.90497        6.2     6.2     643943.96000    5752537.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:55:50        -6.92119        51.90624        6.2     6.2     643001.95000    5752651.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    19:58:00        -6.93272        51.90531        6.2     6.2     642212.04000    5752525.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:00:14        -6.94620        51.91235        6.2     6.2     641262.59000    5753283.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:02:31        -6.95391        51.92287        6.2     6.2     640699.10000    5754437.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:04:55        -6.96821        51.92892        6.2     6.2     639697.30000    5755083.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:07:07        -6.98130        51.93282        6.2     6.2     638785.69000    5755491.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:09:19        -6.99558        51.93392        6.2     6.2     637800.23000    5755586.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:11:30        -7.00972        51.93806        6.2     6.2     636815.72000    5756020.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:13:43        -7.02412        51.94170        6.2     6.2     635814.93000    5756398.40000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:15:56        -7.03805        51.94504        6.2     6.2     634847.64000    5756743.40000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:18:19        -7.05357        51.94017        6.2     6.2     633795.50000    5756173.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:20:49        -7.07035        51.93468        6.2     6.2     632658.47000    5755532.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:23:19        -7.08226        51.93128        6.2     6.2     631849.87000    5755132.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:25:31        -7.09397        51.93145        6.2     6.2     631044.01000    5755129.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:27:49        -7.10594        51.93418        6.2     6.2     630213.31000    5755412.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:30:07        -7.11838        51.93647        6.2     6.2     629351.69000    5755644.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:32:20        -7.13231        51.93359        6.2     6.2     628402.16000    5755299.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:34:43        -7.14559        51.92439        6.2     6.2     627515.21000    5754252.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:37:01        -7.15992        51.91804        6.2     6.2     626547.66000    5753521.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:39:20        -7.17634        51.91853        6.2     6.2     625417.35000    5753548.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:41:30        -7.19056        51.91872        6.2     6.2     624438.97000    5753544.40000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:43:49        -7.20412        51.91658        6.2     6.2     623512.48000    5753283.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:46:07        -7.21879        51.91735        6.2     6.2     622501.41000    5753344.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:48:19        -7.23236        51.91628        6.2     6.2     621571.44000    5753203.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:50:37        -7.24680        51.91654        6.2     6.2     620577.46000    5753208.20000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:52:48        -7.26108        51.91442        6.2     6.2     619601.28000    5752948.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:55:01        -7.27334        51.91375        6.2     6.2     618759.89000    5752853.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:57:14        -7.28510        51.91937        6.2     6.2     617936.13000    5753459.80000
>>> 2006-06-21    20:59:25        -7.29653        51.92360        6.2     6.2     617138.78000    5753911.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:01:36        -7.30587        51.92531        6.2     6.2     616492.58000    5754087.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:03:56        -7.32102        51.92161        6.2     6.2     615459.95000    5753651.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:06:06        -7.33423        51.92266        6.2     6.2     614549.49000    5753746.70000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:08:18        -7.34527        51.92961        6.2     6.2     613772.55000    5754502.50000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:10:37        -7.36041        51.93295        6.2     6.2     612723.16000    5754850.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:16:36        -7.40056        51.94133        6.2     6.2     609942.27000    5755721.40000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:18:49        -7.40028        51.94125        6.2     6.2     609962.29000    5755712.40000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:21:01        -7.40044        51.94117        6.2     6.2     609951.37000    5755703.60000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:23:25        -7.40046        51.94107        6.2     6.2     609949.79000    5755692.10000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:25:37        -7.40008        51.94118        6.2     6.2     609976.09000    5755705.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:27:55        -7.40016        51.94100        6.2     6.2     609971.02000    5755685.30000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:31:25        -7.40075        51.94086        6.2     6.2     609930.70000    5755669.00000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:34:33        -7.40036        51.94086        6.2     6.2     609957.63000    5755668.90000
>>> 2006-06-21    21:37:55        -7.40036        51.94075        6.2     6.2     609957.56000    5755656.40000
>>> Dr Samantha Patrick
>>> EU INTERREG Post Doc
>>> Marine Biology & Ecology Research Centre
>>> University of Plymouth
>>> Plymouth
>>> PL4 8AA
>>> T: 01752 584699
>>> M: 07740472719
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Clément Calenge [mailto:clement.calenge at oncfs.gouv.fr]
>>> Sent: 21 April 2010 11:18
>>> To: Samantha Patrick
>>> Cc: r-sig-ecology at r-project.org
>>> Subject: Re: [R-sig-eco] FPT and Adehabitat
>>> Hard to say without any reproducible example... could you post an
>>> example (minimum dataset + R code)?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Clément Calenge
>>> Samantha Patrick wrote:
>>>> I am calculating First Passage Time for GPS movements.  The code all runs fine and R recognises that an individual, for example, has 139 relocations.  However when I then view the FPT output there are 295 data points.  I have checked back and the data file, the imported data and  the number of time points all equal 139.  In the help it says that the FPT output is a data frame per individual with a row for each relocation so I cannot understand why it is outputting so many rows.  This happens for many individuals but there doesn't not seem to be any pattern in the number of output rows and occurs if I run individuals separately.  Has anyone ever come across this or have any ideas?
>>>> Many Thanks
>>>> Sam
>>>> Dr Samantha Patrick
>>>> EU INTERREG Post Doc
>>>> Marine Biology & Ecology Research Centre
>>>> University of Plymouth
>>>> Plymouth
>>>> PL4 8AA
>>>> T: 01752 584699
>>>> M: 07740472719
>>>>      [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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>> --
>> Clément CALENGE
>> Cellule d'appui à l'analyse de données
>> Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage
>> Saint Benoist - 78610 Auffargis
>> tel. (33)
> --
> Clément CALENGE
> Cellule d'appui à l'analyse de données
> Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage
> Saint Benoist - 78610 Auffargis
> tel. (33)

Cellule d'appui à l'analyse de données
Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage
Saint Benoist - 78610 Auffargis
tel. (33)

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