[R-sig-eco] FPT and Adehabitat

Clément Calenge clement.calenge at oncfs.gouv.fr
Wed Apr 21 12:17:32 CEST 2010

Hard to say without any reproducible example... could you post an 
example (minimum dataset + R code)?
Best regards,

Clément Calenge

Samantha Patrick wrote:
> I am calculating First Passage Time for GPS movements.  The code all runs fine and R recognises that an individual, for example, has 139 relocations.  However when I then view the FPT output there are 295 data points.  I have checked back and the data file, the imported data and  the number of time points all equal 139.  In the help it says that the FPT output is a data frame per individual with a row for each relocation so I cannot understand why it is outputting so many rows.  This happens for many individuals but there doesn't not seem to be any pattern in the number of output rows and occurs if I run individuals separately.  Has anyone ever come across this or have any ideas?
> Many Thanks
> Sam
> Dr Samantha Patrick
> Marine Biology & Ecology Research Centre
> University of Plymouth
> Plymouth
> PL4 8AA
> T: 01752 584699
> M: 07740472719
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