[R-sig-eco] Rotations for PCoA?

Etienne Laliberté etiennelaliberte at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 12:19:15 CEST 2009

> Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 13:44:57 +0200
> From: Jan Hanspach <jan.hanspach at ufz.de>
> Subject: [R-sig-eco] Rotations for PCoA?
> To: r-sig-ecology at r-project.org
> Message-ID: <4ADC5139.9000707 at ufz.de>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Now, I want to know if  it is possible to get rotations for my traits,
> like it is calculated for a PCA? So that I can plot my traits within the
> ordinations space (or give the values in a table).
> Thanks!
> Jan

Pierre Legendre recently emailed me one function which does exactly
that. I haven't found it on his website so I assume it's not
"official" yet. In any case, I'm sure he wouldn't mind me sharing it
and it can certainly give you some good ideas on how to represent the
original variables in a PCoA biplot. Here's the code. Enjoy.

pcoa.biplot <- function(Y, D, dir.axis.1=1, dir.axis.2=1)


# This principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) function produces a biplot

# of the points with projection of the original variables.


# Y = (n x p) data table

# D = distance matrix of order n

# dir.axis.1 = -1 to revert axis 1 for the projection of points and variables

# dir.axis.2 = -1 to revert axis 2 for the projection of points and variables


#            Pierre Legendre, November 2008



n = nrow(Y)

p = ncol(Y)

nn = nrow(as.matrix(D))

if(nn != n) stop("Different numbers of objects in Y and D")

# Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA)

k = min(p,(n-1))

pcoa.res = cmdscale(D, k=k, eig=TRUE)

size = length(pcoa.res$eig)

# Centre the Y data by columns

Y.c = apply(as.matrix(Y),2,scale,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)

# Y.stand = apply(as.matrix(Y),2,scale,center=TRUE,scale=TRUE)

# Classical method to find position of variables for biplot:

# construct U from covariance matrix between Y and standardized points

# (equivalent to PCA scaling 1, since PCoA preserve distances among objects)

points.stand = apply(pcoa.res$points,2,scale,center=TRUE,scale=TRUE)

S = cov(Y, points.stand)

U = S %*% diag((pcoa.res$eig/(n-1))^(-0.5))

rownames(U) = rownames(Y[1:size,])

colnames(U) = colnames(U, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "Axis.")

rownames(pcoa.res$points) = rownames(Y)

colnames(pcoa.res$points) = colnames(pcoa.res$points, do.NULL = FALSE,
prefix = "Axis.")

diag.dir = diag(c(dir.axis.1,dir.axis.2))

pcoa.res$points[,1:2] = pcoa.res$points[,1:2] %*% diag.dir

U[,1:2] = U[,1:2] %*% diag.dir

biplot(pcoa.res$points, U, xlab="PCoA axis 1", ylab="PCoA axis 2")

title(main = c("PCoA biplot","Variables projected as in PCA","with
scaling type 1"), family="serif", line=4)

out = list(eig=pcoa.res$eig, points=pcoa.res$points, U=U, S=S)



# --------

# Test, comparison PCA - PCoA

# Source the functions PCA.R (Lab's Web page) and pcoa.bip.R (this one)

# par(mfrow=c(1,2))

# mat20 = matrix(rnorm(100),20,5)

# mat20.D = dist(mat20)

# mat20.PCA = PCA(mat20)

# biplot(mat20.PCA)

# mat20.PCoA.2 = pcoa.biplot(mat20, mat20.D)

# --------

# Does this method work when p > n ?

# mat20.t.D = dist(t(mat20))

# mat20.t.PCA = PCA(t(mat20))

# biplot(mat20.t.PCA)

# mat20.t.pcoa.2 = pcoa.biplot(t(mat20), mat20.t.D)  # Works fine

# --------

Etienne Laliberté
Rural Ecology Research Group
School of Forestry
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 366 7001 ext. 8365
Fax: +64 3 364 2124

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