[R-sig-eco] comparing results of varpart

mgavil2 mgavil2 at tigers.lsu.edu
Mon Jun 8 16:43:43 CEST 2009

Hi all....

I am working in some variation partiting analysis using two different
sets of predictive matrices but with the same set of explanatory
variables. As expected I end up getting the results for % variation
explained by [E], [S], [E+S] and unexplained variation.

The results I get for both predictive matrices are different, but I
wish to statistically compare this, and determine whether the
fractions of [E] and [S] are significantly different for each
predictive matrix, so
% variation explained by [E] in predictive matrix 1 is or is not
statistically different from % variation explained by [E] in
predictive matrix 2
% variation explained by [S] in predictive matrix 1 is or is not
statistically different from % variation explained by [S] in
predictive matrix 2

Can anyone help me with an idea as to how to get about this?


Maria Mercedes Gavilanez
Department of Biological Sciences
107 Life Sciences Building
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

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