[R-sig-eco] classical statistics in R

Stephen B. Cox myrddincox at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 15:46:02 CET 2008

My own approach is to use a fairly standard text and then use R to
illustrate/demo the implementation of the concepts.  My goal is to
balance both a conceptual understanding and an ability to implement in
R.  Of course, during the demo, I tend to tackle the data from a data
modeling frame of mind rather than a cookbook approach.  I have been
using Zar for a number of years, and this year switched to Q&K, and
have been trying to write 'labs' that use the examples from the text
for illustration.

However, I must say that this is done within the context of a 4 hour,
integrated lab/lecture graduate course.  It would be much more
difficult without the integrated lab component.

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