[R-sig-eco] Corrected AIC for binary response variables?

Landis, R Matthew rlandis at middlebury.edu
Thu Dec 18 22:29:07 CET 2008

Greetings all,

I'm using logistic regression to investigate mortality of trees.  I'm using AIC to compare models, and I'm wondering if I should use AICc instead of  AIC.  Burnham and Anderson [1] recommend using AICc when n/K < 40.  But what do I consider for n?  The logistic regression is based on 2811 observations (334 trees observed annually for <= 10 yr), but I've only observed 32 deaths.  Harrell [2] would consider 32 to be the "limiting sample size" for determining the feasible number of predictor variables.  Is AIC the same?  Should I use 2811, 334, or 32 to figure out AICc?

Thanks for any help.



[1] Burnham K. and D. Anderson.  2002.  Model selection and multi-model inference:  a practical information-theoretic approach.  Springer.
[2] Harrell, F. 2001.  Regression modeling strategies.  Springer.

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