[R-sig-eco] Intepreting a plot from a "constrained" NMDS

Manuel Spínola mspinola10 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 17:58:15 CET 2008

Dear list members,

Is there any reference or document on how to interpret a "constrained" 
non-metrical multidimensional scaling using ecological data?  By 
"constrained" I mean after fitting environmental covariables, using, for 
example, the "envfit" function in the vegan package.  Is it possible to 
interpret the resulting plot in the same way that a constrained 
ordination, for example CCA?
Thank you very much in advance.


Manuel Spínola, Ph.D.
Instituto Internacional en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre
Universidad Nacional
Apartado 1350-3000
mspinola at una.ac.cr
mspinola10 at gamil.com
Teléfono: (506) 2277-3598
Fax: (506) 2237-7036

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