[R-sig-eco] unplanned contrasts with categorical and continuous variables

Rowan Brookes rowan.brookes at sci.monash.edu.au
Tue Aug 5 11:47:21 CEST 2008


I have conducted a general linear model with a mixture of continuous 
(POSITION; flower position on a raceme) and categorical (POLLEN and 
RESOURCE) variables.

The model looks like this: 
seedset.glm<-glm(MNSEED~POSITION*POLLEN*RESOURCE, family = gaussian, 
data = PR)

I have a significant interaction between position, pollen and resource 
but am unsure of how I should be doing an unplanned comparison when I 
have both categorical and continuous variables.  Can anybody direct me 
in the right direction?

I had initially turned flower position into a categorical variable, but 
had some opposition to this from reviewers.

Thanks very, very much,


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