[R-sig-dyn-mod] Modeling event with non-instantaneous duration

Rafael Ayala Hernandez R@|@e|@Ay@|@Hern@ndez @end|ng |rom o|@t@jp
Tue Mar 15 04:16:07 CET 2022

Dear all,

I am currently using the deSolve package in my asteRisk package to perform orbit propagation of satellites.

I am now aiming to model orbital maneuvers, which can be seen as sudden, transient changes in acceleration due to engine bursts. 

I have been able to model instantaneous bursts as events with pre-defined times. However, for a more accurate representation of such maneuvers, it would be required to model them as changes in acceleration that are present for a given period of time (corresponding to the time during which engines are fired). 

I would therefore like to ask if there is any recommended way of modeling this type of non-instantaneous events in ODE systems with the deSolve package or other related packages?

Thanks a lot in advance

Best wishes,


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