[R-sig-dyn-mod] CRAN Task View

Thomas Petzoldt thom@@@petzo|dt @end|ng |rom tu-dre@den@de
Thu Apr 29 09:08:06 CEST 2021

Dear list members,

it seems that the traffic in this list was rather low during the last 
year, despite the important role that dynamic simulation models 
currently play in the Corona crisis. R plays a considerable role, both 
in epidemiological data analysis and SIR, SEIR, SIRD, ... and even 
individual-based modelling. This is reflected by a series of papers and 
several blogs, github repositories and discussions at StackOverflow. The 
latter may also be the reason, why it is so silent here as discussion of 
source code works well on interactive web pages. On the other hand, 
there may still be room for mailing lists, so feel free to contribute.

We all know that the number of R packages increased quickly on CRAN and 
Bioconductor, not counting activities on Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket etc. 
Therefore, I want to  ask you, whether you think that an important 
package was missed on the DifferentialEquations task view: solvers, 
model application packages, sensitivity analysis and even 
individual-based modelling packages. Not all may fit the task view, but 
I want to make sure that we did not overlook something essential.

If you feel that a package of general interest may be missing, please 
send a short note, how and to which section this package may be added. 
Decide yourself if you send this note to me or the whole list and please 
follow the style of one of the other packages. I will then find an 
agreement with you and Karline (her address is listed on top of the task 
view) which and how new packages can be added.

Thank you!


Dr. Thomas Petzoldt
wiss. Mitarbeiter                     member of scientific staff

Technische Universität Dresden        Technische Universitaet Dresden
Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften         Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Institut für Hydrobiologie            Institute of Hydrobiology
Professur für Limnologie              Chair of Limnology
01062 Dresden                         01062 Dresden, Germany


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