[R-sig-dyn-mod] question on ode.1D

Karline Soetaert Karline.Soetaert at nioz.nl
Tue Jul 30 13:04:37 CEST 2013


Your complex example does not work, so I cannot really test it. 

However, ode.1D only works efficiently if (1) all components are defined in an equal number of compartments (boxes), and (2) if for one component there is transition only between adjacent compartments, e.g. between boxes i-1, and i. (3) Also, interactions between different components can only occur if in the same box. 
This is so because ode.1D was meant to efficiently solve 1-D reactive-transport equations.

If these conditions are not valid for your model, then ode.1D will be very inefficient.

If your model is really sparse,  you could try to use lsodes.

Hope it helps


-----Original Message-----
From: r-sig-dynamic-models-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:r-sig-dynamic-models-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Dabing Chen
Sent: donderdag 25 juli 2013 21:36
To: R simulation
Subject: [R-sig-dyn-mod] question on ode.1D

Hi All:

         I am having some problems with the program below. I was able to run when ka = 0.04. However, when I change it to 0.01, the program cannot finish.

         I also tried using different integration methods in ode.1D, such as "vode, daspk", which did not work. radau runs almost 3 min, the program runs better when I left it blank, which took about 1 min to run.

         How can I make it faster and more robust?
         Thanks a lot in advance.


library (deSolve)

ka <- 0.04

N= 100

Dose <- 100 # initial dose in mg

V1 <- 300
V2<-  c(rep(3,30),rep(0.5,(N-30)))

Si = 0.02 # initial solubility in jejunum unit is mg/ml Sf = 0.02 # final solubility in jejunum is mg/ml
t0 = 20 # time for half phase transformation in jejunum in min
p0 = 0.5

SI <- rep(0.02,N)
GImobility = N/60/8

for (i in 1:N){
  SI[i] <- (Si-Sf)/(1+exp(p0*((i/GImobility)-t0)))+Sf

Weibulla <- 2 # weibull function for time factor Weibullb <-0.9 # weibull fuction for shape factor Tlag <- 0 # lag time for disintegration criticT <- (15)^(1/Weibullb)*Weibulla # critical T for disintegration

z <- 50

ka <- 0.04

para <- c(SGi <- 0.8, # inital solubility in Stomach unit is mg/ml
          SGf <- 0.8,# final solubility in Stomach unit is mg/ml
          TG <- 20, #time for half transformation in Stomach
          PG <- 0.2) # rate of half transformation in Stomach

 advModel <- function(t, state, parms) {

     with (as.list(parms), {
         Stomach1 <- state[1]  # undisintegrated
         Stomach2 <- state[2]   # granule
         Stomach3 <- state[3]   # Precipitate
         Stomach4 <- state[4]   # dissolved
         Intestine1 <- state[5:(N+4)]           # undisintegated
         Intestine2 <- state[(N+5):(2*N+4)]     # granule
         Intestine3 <- state[(2*N+5):(3*N+4)]   # precipitate
         Intestine4 <- state[(3*N+5):(4*N+4)]   # dissolved
         T1 <- state[4*N+5]   # total undisintegrated mass
         T2 <- state[4*N+6]   # total granule
         T3 <- state[4*N+7]   # total precipitate
         T4 <- state[4*N+8]   # total in solution

         absorption <- state[4*N+9]
         plasma <- state[4*N+10]

         SG <- SGi

         ddisinte <- 0.03
         # wettability factor

         # define a function for dissolution kinetics
         P_diss <- function(X,Y,V,S){
           # X the solid remaining at time t, X0, the inital dose, r, the particle size
           if (X <= 0) {
             result <- 0  # avoid numerical error
           } else if (S < Y/V){
             result <- 0
           } else {
             result <- min(z*(X^(1/3))*(S-Y/V),X)

         # define the precipitation rate function

         P_precip <- function(X,Y,V,S){
           # X the solid remaining at time t, assuming the precipitate has particle size of 1 um
           if (X <= 0) {
             result <- 0  # avoid numerical error
           } else if (Y/V > S){

           result <- V * ( Y/V-S)
           } else {
             result <- -min(z*(X^(1/3))*(S-Y/V),X) # +  (V*( Y/V-S) +

         emptying <-
         emptying1 <- 0.05*(tanh(10*(t%%240-210))-tanh(10*(t%%240-220)))

         # dissolution in Stomach
         disso1 <- P_diss(Stomach2,Stomach4,V1,SG)
         precip1 <- P_precip(Stomach3,Stomach4,V1,SG)

         dStomach1 <- -ddisinte*Stomach1 - emptying1*Stomach1
         dStomach2 <- ddisinte*Stomach1 - disso1 - emptying*Stomach2
         dStomach3 <- precip1 -emptying*Stomach3
         dStomach4 <- disso1 - precip1 - emptying*Stomach4

         disso2 <- rep(0,N)
         precip2 <- rep(0,N)

         for (i in 1:N){
           disso2[i] <- P_diss(Intestine2[i],Intestine4[i],V2[i],SI[i])
           precip2[i] <- P_precip(Intestine3[i],Intestine4[i],V2[i],SI[i])

         Tran1 <- advection.1D(C = Intestine1, flux.up = emptying1*Stomach1, v = GImobility, dx=1,adv.method="super")
         Tran2 <- advection.1D(C = Intestine2, flux.up = emptying*Stomach2, v = GImobility, dx=1,adv.method="super")
         Tran3 <- advection.1D(C = Intestine3, flux.up = emptying*Stomach3, v = GImobility, dx=1,adv.method="super")
         Tran4 <- advection.1D(C = Intestine4, flux.up = emptying*Stomach4, v = GImobility, dx=1,adv.method="super")

        dIntestine1 <- Tran1$dC - ddisinte*Intestine1
        dIntestine2 <- Tran2$dC - disso2 + ddisinte*Intestine1
        dIntestine3 <- Tran3$dC + precip2
        dIntestine4 <- Tran4$dC + disso2 - precip2 - ka*Intestine4

         dT1 <- sum(dIntestine1)
         dT2 <- sum(dIntestine2)
         dT3 <- sum(dIntestine3)
         dT4 <- sum(dIntestine4)

        dabsorption <- sum(ka*Intestine4)
        dplasma <- dabsorption -0.002*plasma

         return (list(c(dStomach1,dStomach2,dStomach3,dStomach4,

times <- seq(1,1000,by =1)

state <- c(Dose,rep(0,3),rep(0,4*N),rep(0,4),0,0)

systime <- system.time(out <- ode.1D(func = advModel, y=state,times =times,
                                     parms = para,nspec=1))

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