[R-sig-Debian] why is KEYWORDS.db not in '/usr/lib/R/doc/' but in '/usr/share/R/doc/'?

Johan Andresen joh@n@@ndre@en @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Jun 6 18:55:27 CEST 2023

Hi r-sig-debian,

I feel lucky to have found out that `/doc/KEYWORDS.db` is in `/usr/share/R/`,
not in `usr/lib/R/` where rpy2 in python apparently looks for it when
trying to search help in R from the python environment. it returned this
error: `cannot open file '/usr/lib/R/doc/KEYWORDS.db': No such file or

What to do now?
- is this a problem with rpy2 looking for `/doc/KEYWORDS.db` that should
not be in `usr/lib/R/`? -> *edit its script to point at the correct path?*
- or is it a problem with R for debian bullseye putting  `/doc/KEYWORDS.db`
in '/usr/share/R/doc/' where it should not be? -> why does it do that?
Should it be this way? Can I change it?

To be sure, searching help in RStudio and `help('help`) in R from the
terminal both worked. I installed both the way you suggest on lib.stat.cmu/R

See also https://github.com/rpy2/rpy2/issues/1033

with his first question on a, not just thus, mail list

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