[R-sig-Debian] Ubuntu 13.10 - not able to upgrade R

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Fri Apr 18 13:58:36 CEST 2014

On 18 April 2014 at 06:01, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| You have a network error with the host, so use a different mirror.  I use
|     deb http://cran.rstudio.com.org/bin/linux/ubuntu saucy/
| as I found the RStudio CDN to be reliably fast.

That's what I get for editing on the fly.  URL should be 

     deb http://cran.rstudio.com/bin/linux/ubuntu saucy/

I am trying to switch more machines from using r-project.org to rstudio.com
which serves faster...

| Dirk
| | I've done this a few times. At this point there are no more updates and the R error is isolated.
| | Is there a solution to this or should i just re-install R.
| | Thanks for your time,
| | Martin
| |  		 	   		   		 	   		  
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| Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com
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Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com

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