[R-sig-Debian] Ubuntu Lucid, R 2.14.2, and ggplot2

Kingsley G. Morse Jr. kingsley at loaner.com
Thu Mar 22 20:21:34 CET 2012

Hi Scott,

I like apt-get and dpkg.

They made administering my Debian box much more

However, I was surprised some time ago to see that
Debian's package management technology was failing
to keep up with new releases of R packages.

It seemed to me that R's packages were evolving
faster than Debian's archives were updated.

I had to used R's built in package management

If I recall correctly, it's named something like
update_package() or update_packages() and
it downloads new R code from CRAN.

If you haven't already considered R's built in
package management, you may want to try it.

I hope that helps,

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