[R-sig-Debian] Ubuntu Lucid, R 2.14.2, and ggplot2

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 20:20:04 CEST 2012

On 24 April 2012 at 08:16, Johannes Ranke wrote:
| On Tuesday 24 April 2012 00:32:20 Don Armstrong wrote:
| > On Tue, 24 Apr 2012, Johannes Ranke wrote:
| > > this sounds great! But why don't you use the R 2.15.0 backport to
| > > squeeze on CRAN?
| > 
| > Primarily because I want a build against the version of R actually in
| > Debian squeeze.
| > 
| > I'll probably also do a secondary set of builds against a backported
| > R, but when I do that, I'll either upload it to backports.debian.org
| > myself (or ideally someone else will beat me to it.)
| Sounds good. I won't be the one as I am not a DD. Backporting troubles lately 
| have been zero, so it is _probably_ not a huge amount of maintenance work, 

One thing that comes to mind is that I always had to patch the two m4 files
as R Core / Brian Ripley insisted on finding '1.0.6' as the version of bzip2
even though Debian's 1.0.5 had all the relevant security patches...  So I
guess we rely on backports having the right version too.  Which should be a
safe bet.

debian/rules is a bit of a mess code-wise, but the functionality is stable
and solid so I have little inclination for doing a rewrite just for rewrite's

| thanks to Dicks careful packaging for unstable.

Hah. I don't get too many German people writing that 'Dick' variant. More
common around here....

Dirk (with an r :-)

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