[R-sig-Debian] update.packages() as ordinary user, /usr/lib/R/site-library is not writable

Chris Evans chrishold at psyctc.org
Thu Sep 22 12:20:34 CEST 2011

Huge thanks to Johannes (sorry, Johannes, I think I implied that Dirk 
was doing all the hard work in rolling things in my earlier reply, the 
"you" is plural!)

What I've done:
A) removed r-cran-rgl and r-cran-xml using synaptic as root
B) re-entered new R session as user chris, confirmed that the packages 
had gone using installed.packages() and grep()!
C) ran "adduser chris staff" as root
D) logged off gnome session (ah, that bit's a pain when making group 
membership changes which won't otherwise propagate to current session!)
E) logged back in!
F) checked I was now member of staff: yes!
G) checked I can write to /usr/local/lib/R/site-library: yes!
H) ran R as user chris ... now it gets interesting and frustrating:
     no damn joy, update.packages and selecting only abind to update 
without specifying instlib says it runs fine but next time I run 
update.packages it still shows the old version and wants to do the 
update again so I
I) (and this was a debugging mistake for which I apologise) did the same 
but specifying instlib as /usr/local ... and it runs fine again (this 
time I checked that it had updated in /usr/local/... and there it was in 
solitary splendour as my first updated library/package there) ... but  ...
J) that hasn't gained me anything (I suspect the previous update without 
the "instlib=" may have been fine too) as update.packages still wants to 
update it ...
K) so I get thoughtful: clearly update.packages is reading from /usr/lib 
not /usr/local ...
L) so I check .libPaths():
 > .libPaths()
[1] "/home/chris/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.13"
[2] "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library"
[3] "/usr/lib/R/site-library"
[4] "/usr/lib/R/library"
M) Hm.  Looks good to me but I see Dirk is telling me /usr/local/... 
should be first so I go to /etc/R/Renviron and I find:
and nothing I can see in Renviron.site that would override that.

I _THINK_ I see a logic:  installation is happening "first come, first 
used" on the libPaths but update.packages() is reading from all the 
library locations and the later are overriting the earlier ... that 
would explain things but surely it would mean that no-one, including 
Dirk, would be able to run update.packages() successfully as a non-root 

So now I'm baffled as to how to be friendly with R and linux/Debian on 
this machine!

Perhaps I should say that I would like to work by:
1) having the cran deb line in /etc/apt/sources.list and doing basic 
installation of R from there as my understanding is that that will get 
me the latest R for Debian when you (plural) have rolled it and put it 
on CRAN getting me round the downloading and replacing I used to do on 
windoze and also making it pretty likely that you'll have sorted out 
dependency problems etc.
2) would like then to rely on update.packages() from within R
3) but running as local user as I can see the logic of that

#1 and #2 are what I've always done on my Debian web server (where I was 
running some cgi-bin scripts invoking R) but I always did the 
update.packages() as root.  I've now moved that server to a shell 
account at mythic-beasts (great guys) so I'll have to do #3 for that too 
in future and though I could update as root on this laptop I do see the 
logic of not doing that and clearly you both and presumably many others 
on this list do #1, #2 and #3 so why is it not working for me?!

Suggestions gratefully received!

Very best & karma to all,


Dirk Eddelbuettel sent the following  at 21/09/11 13:49:
> Hi Chris,
> Thanks for patient follow-up even after I (as Johannes noted) evidently
> overlooked key parts of your first email.
> On 21 September 2011 at 07:49, Chris Evans wrote:
> | I ran synaptic from the Debian application menu which defaults to root
> | after askling for the root password the first time I invoke it after a
> | reboot. (I probably should have said that I've been using Debian for my
> | internet server work for about 15 years: I'm not a Debian/linux newbie,
> | just someone finally throwing away the reins from M$ to have a laptop
> | running Debian as well!)
> Perfect.
> | I get that from invoking update.packages() in an R session launched from
> | a user (chris) terminal session. Before that I had done an install of
> I do that too, as well as calling the 'install.r' helper script from littler
> (in its examples/ diretory, if interested).
> This requires that you make /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/ writable for _you_
> as user chris, else you cannot.
> [ It also assumes that the Renviron setting mentioned last time is still
> valid, do this:
> edd at max:~$ R -q -e 'print(.libPaths())'
> R>  print(.libPaths())
> [1] "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library" "/usr/lib/R/site-library"       "/usr/lib/R/library"
> R>
> R>
> It _must_ be first as here.  ]
> Now, /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/ comes shipped from the r-base-core
> package as owned by group 'staff' so one solution is to add yourself to group
> staff:
> edd at max:~$ ls -ld /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/
> drwxrwsr-x 136 root staff 4096 2011-09-20 07:44 /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/
> edd at max:~$ id
> uid=1000(edd) gid=1000(edd)
> groups=1000(edd),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),27(sudo),44(video),46(plugdev),50(staff),[.....]
> edd at max:~$
> If those two conditions are met, you should be able to run install.packages()
> as you.  I still prefer it from the shell as I sometimes need another apt-get
> call for a missing library etc.
> | I wouldn't dream of compiling locally anything I can get from a deb you
> | rolled!!
> :-)
> | However, I come back to feeling that there must be three separate
> | problems here that come from within the packages I added after the
> | initial r-cran-base install. My hunch is that there are things with XML
> | and rgl that I will be able to track down when restrict to just updating
> "I would not dream of compiling locally" either.  You could start by locally
> re-building the packages.  Which requires the build depends.
> | them but that at the moment there is a more global problem which I'm
> | guessing is caused by one package overriding the order of library path
> | options seen in .libPaths() which starts with a perfectly writable local
> | user directory and I am guessing there is some way that package has
> | insisted that the install tries /usr/lib/R/library.
> Agreed on the first bit.  I think /usr/lib/R/library -- where we as users
> should never tread as it is /usr which belongs to apt/dpkg -- is just the
> fallback.  Somehow the value got nuked.
> | I don't know enough about the way that R and linux work agree the use of
> | those library location options. From ?.libPaths and a bit more hunting
> | around the R help I had the impression that the .libPath options would
> | be used in order. I think I can remove the /usr ones by hacking in
> Correct.
> | /etc/R but that presumably risks losing access to the main libraries
> | that will have been installed there so that doesn't look a good step
> | forward except perhaps to debug things.
> An easier option ... is to _explicitly add_ the
> /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/ destination as an argument to install.packages!
> | I suspect that I could do a complete remove of all of R, start again
> | installing r-cran-base, check that R installed by that updates fine run
> | by a user and then I could use synaptic to add the additional deb
> | packages you provide but doing that one by one and running R and
> | update.packages() after each one to see if I don't hit this until afetr
> | a particular deb but that's going to take quite a long time so I
> | wondered if you or the list had quicker suggestions to debug this.
> That sounds too involved.
> | Sorry for length but hope that's clearer (got to try to be an acceptable
> | friend on R lists as well as with linux and I really, really do
> | appreciate the generosity of this list).
> No sweat. We're all just building karma :)
> Dirk

Chris Evans<chris at psyctc.org>  Skype: chris-psyctc
Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, Notts. PDD network;
Professor, Psychotherapy, Nottingham University
*If I am writing from one of those roles, it will be clear. Otherwise*
*my views are my own and not representative of those institutions    *
If you have difficulty Emailing me on this address or getting a reply,
send again but cc to:       chris dot evans at nottshc dot nhs dot uk
and to:                     c dot evans at nottingham dot ac dot uk

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