[R-sig-Debian] parallel BLAS for Ubuntu 11.10

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Thu Nov 10 20:21:14 CET 2011

Has anyone succeeded in getting a parallel BLAS, such as Goto's BLAS,
installed on a machine running Ubuntu 11.10?

I currently have the libatlas3gf-base package installed on a machine
with an AMD Athlon X4 processor.  I tried to install the
libopenblas-base and libopenblas-dev packages but there seemed to be a
glich related to having both libopenblas and libatlas3gf installed so
that when I tried to recompile R it failed to start because one of the
ATL symbols from Atlas was undefined.

Is it worthwhile making a custom version of Atlas?  Every time I try
to compile a local version of Atlas it fails because of CPU Throttling
being enabled.  I suppose I could reboot after tweaking the BIOS then
compile then shutdown then tweak the BIOS but that seems like a
complicated route to getting optimized BLAS.

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