[R-sig-Debian] Lapack or Blas crashing R when using "large" matrices (Ubuntu 11.04)

Matias Salibian-Barrera msalibian at yahoo.ca
Mon Jun 6 21:38:44 CEST 2011


This simple SVD calculation (commands are copied immediately below) crashes on my Ubuntu machine (R 2.13.0). However it 
worked fine with R.12 and Ubuntu 10.04, and it also works fine on my Windows 7 machine with R 2.13, so I suspect there's a problem with (my?) Ubuntu and / or R. 

I'm using the R distribution that is accessible with Ubuntu's repositories manager, I am not building my own. 

Can anybody else reproduce it (with Ubuntu 11.04)? Thanks in advance. 


p <- 500
n <- 300
x <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
sih <- var(x)
b <- svd(sih)

 *** caught illegal operation ***
address 0x42b8c9, cause 'illegal operand'

 1: .Call("La_svd", jobu, jobv, x, double(min(n, p)), u, v,  "dgsedd",     PACKAGE = "base")
 2: La.svd(x, nu, nv)
 3: svd(sih)
I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and 
>  version
 platform       i686-pc-linux-gnu            
 arch           i686                         
 os             linux-gnu                    
 system         i686, linux-gnu              
 major          2                            
 minor          13.0                         
 year           2011                         
 month          04                           
 day            13                           
 svn rev        55427                        
 language       R                            
 version.string R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13)

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