[R-sig-Debian] Plugins for R and more...

Petar Milin pmilin at ff.uns.ac.rs
Tue May 12 22:14:52 CEST 2009

On Tue, 2009-05-12 at 21:56 +0200, Johannes Ranke wrote:
> > > or, if you are already pinning, you can see how
> > > long it works without pulling in more packages from sid.
> > 
> > Meaning to switch to sid? Yes, I know the temptation... :-)
> Oh, nice misunderstanding :) I was talking about a new upload of R to
> sid pulling in more sid packages when you use pinning. But it is always
> tempting to upgrade to sid - I have run sid for several years, and only
> very recently settled for lenny...

:-) Yes, nice! I am using testing, and I was so very happy switching
from Ubuntu (I think it was 8.04), until recently, when I started to
experience problems and shaky behavior of Debian. I was advised to
install testing, but now I really think to go for stable, since, as
Murphy would predict, this is really a very bad moment for me to have
non-stable system. Nevertheless, this is not an issue here; I am just
explaining why I might been primed to Debian releases. :-)

Thanks again,

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