[R-sig-Debian] R 2.8.0 for Debian etch

Robert King Robert.King at newcastle.edu.au
Wed Oct 29 00:32:12 CET 2008

Dear Johannes,

Thanks for packaging this.

One minor (probable) bug, the /etc/R/Renviron.ucf-dist
contains the line


Should that be 2.8 now?


On Tuesday 28 October 2008 2:45, Johannes Ranke wrote:
> Dear all,
> It is my pleasure to announce the immediate availability of R 2.8.0
> for the current Debian stable release on CRAN. Source packages and
> binaries for i386 and amd64 are at your disposal.
> I also updated the README to include a short howto for using R 2.8.0 from
> unstable on testing (lenny), which is currently frozen. This currently
> pulls the current pcre from unstable, next to the current R packages.
> By removing references to Rdevices.h, I was able to provide updated
> packages of rkward 0.4.9a (i386 and amd64) and python-rpy (currently i386
> only, amd64 will probably follow soon) as well. As usual, the latest
> recommended packages are updated, as well as littler and RODBC.
> Please report any problems you might encounter to this list.
> Kind regards,
> Johannes Ranke

Robert King, Statistics, School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences,
University of Newcastle, Australia (CRICOS Provider Number: 00109J)
Room V133  ph +61 2 4921 5548
Robert.King at newcastle.edu.au   http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/~rking/

 "It might be in the basement,         
 I'll go upstairs and check .." Escher

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