[R-sig-Debian] rkward on Ubuntu heron with R2.8.0
Duncan Golicher
dgolicher at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 00:53:25 CET 2008
Many thanks Michael.
I think I'll just wait, under the assumption that the fix will find its
way into the Ubuntu package. Rkward is very nice, but I don't really
need it. I was worried that I had broken something else too.
Michael Rutter wrote:
> Duncan,
> The current version of rkward is broken under R 2.8.0. The rkward
> developers are aware of this and I believe they have a fix, but the
> fix has not been applied to the code used to compile Ubunutu
> packages. We provide the rkward package on an experimental basis, and
> this falls under the experiment portion of the process.
> I would recommend heading over to the rkward website/mailing lists and
> inquiring about the status of the fix. You may also consider
> compiling rkward from source yourself, using the emails in the
> rkward-devel as a guide around the problem.
> Michael
> Duncan Golicher wrote:
>> I am running R on Ubuntu Heron.
>> I recently updated to R 2.8.0 from the default (2.6) in the Ubuntu
>> heron repository by adding
>> deb http://cran.stat.sfu.ca/bin/linux/ubuntu hardy/
>> I updated all packages installed in /usr/lib/R/site-library and those
>> in my home directory /home/duncan/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.6
>> without obvious issues. I installed adehabitat and gpclib, which
>> should be good tests as they depend on the Matrix package. However I
>> have now lost the use of rkward.
>> rkward
>> /usr/bin/rkward.bin
>> error while loading shared libraries: libRlapack.so: cannot open
>> shared object file: No such file or directory
>> I tried adding a backport repository
>> deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-backports main
>> restricted universe multiverse
>> Didn't help. I can't find anything else wrong. This list seems to be
>> the best place to ask. Does anyone know how to get rkward working
>> with R2.8.0?
>> Thanks,
>> Duncan
Dr Duncan Golicher
Conservación y Restauración de los bosques de Chiapas
Ecología y systemática terrestre
Conservación de la Biodiversidad
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur
Carretera Panamericana y Periférico Sur s/n
29290 San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas
967 67 49000 ext 1310
Email: dgoliche at ecosur.mx
Skype: duncangolicher
WebLog http://duncanjg.wordpress.com/
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