[R-sig-Debian] R 2.6.0 packages for Debian etch on CRAN

Johannes Ranke jranke at uni-bremen.de
Thu Oct 4 08:22:41 CEST 2007

Dear list,

I am happy to be able to announce the availability of R 2.6.0 binaries
for i386 and amd64 machines running Debian etch. You can get them from
CRAN mirrors by adding

	deb http://<favorite-cran-mirror>/bin/linux/debian stable/

to your sources list and install them. Please refer to


for details and report problems directly to me or to this list.

Best regards,

Johannes Ranke

Dr. Johannes Ranke                 jranke at uni-bremen.de     Key ID: F649AF90
UFT, University of Bremen          http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke

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