[R-sig-Debian] getting the Debian pgp key

Anne York york at zipcon.net
Mon Mar 19 23:45:08 CET 2007

I've tried to obtain the public key as described in the 
README file in bin/linux/Debian on CRAN. The server 
specified in the README times out. The mit public key 
server responds that there is no such key.

What am I doing wrong?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 18:32:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: PGP Key Server Administrator <bug-pks at mit.edu>
To: Anne York <york at zipcon.net>
Subject: Your command, get 381BA480, failed

OpenPGP Public Key Server

For questions or comments regarding this key server site,
contact PGP Key Server Administrator <bug-pks at mit.edu>
Current version: 0.9.6


This service is provided to facilitate public-key cryptography for
demonstration and educational purposes.

It is the responsibility of users of public-key cryptography to ensure
that their activities conform to legal requirements.

OpenPGP Public Key Server

For questions or comments regarding this key server site,
contact PGP Key Server Administrator <bug-pks at mit.edu>
Current version: 0.9.6

No matching keys in database

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