[R-sig-Debian] Ubuntu 64

Chris Evans chrishold at psyctc.org
Thu Aug 2 08:47:28 CEST 2007

Emmanuel Charpentier sent the following  at 26/07/2007 15:18:
> Dear sig-R-Debian
> I'd like to second Christophe Bonenfan's plea for an up-to-date Ubuntu
> 64 (and maybe an up-to-date Debian 64) repository(ies). There seems to

... and for me it's particularly Debian 64 stable.  I'm more
psychotherapist than dental surgeon ... but otherwise Emmanuel's
self-description fits well!

I have an internet connected dual opteron AMD64 machine that runs, and I
hope will continue to run, Debian AMD64 stable.  It's got a huge amount
of currently underused CPU power and if someone could help me make this
not too expensive in terms of my time rather than its time, then I'm
very happy to help if I can.



Chris Evans <chris at psyctc.org> Skype: chris-psyctc
Professor of Psychotherapy, Nottingham University;
Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, Notts PDD network;
Research Programmes Director, Nottinghamshire NHS Trust;
*If I am writing from one of those roles, it will be clear. Otherwise*
*my views are my own and not representative of those institutions    *

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