[R-sig-Debian] R 2.4.0 pre-release in unstable may break some packages

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Thu Sep 21 06:44:04 CEST 2006

On 20 September 2006 at 14:53, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| Hi all,
| Today's apt-get update should bring the first R 2.4.0 snapshot packages. As
| with previous releases, I intend to renew the packages every week until the
| release of 2.4.0 by R Core that is scheduled for October 3.  That way, R
| 2.3.1-3 will remain the version in testing.
| As you may have seen on the r-devel list, 2.4.0 will require that packages
| using S4 classes and the methods package will need to be rebuilt. In other
| words, your current unstable installation may break.  If that is a concern
| please put r-base-core on hold using e.g.  $ echo "r-cran-base hold" | dpkg
| --set-selections
| We will try to establish which r-cran-* et al packages need an update and hope
| to get updated Debian packages of those CRAN package -- with a Depends on
| "r-base-core (>> 2.3.1)" into the archive.

I may have overlooked something deeper, but as a first pass, the following
approach (encoded in the script below) worked:
i)   make sure all available packages are installed
ii)  loop over a library() directory and try to install each package therein
iii) rinse and repeat ii)

I uploaded new versions of Matrix, its, latticeExtra, foreign and lme4 and
asked Chris to update eco  --  the rest seems to work. For now, I am ignoring
(as the last line indicates) a few of the older packages in my /usr/local/

Cheers, Dirk

#!/bin/sh -e

function installAllAvailable() {
  ## install all available packages (and let apt skip current ones)
  pkgs=`apt-cache search ^r-.* | grep ^r- | grep -v "r-base\|r-doc\|r-gnome\|r-math\|r-recom" | grep -vi dummy | sort | cut -f1 -d" "`
  sudo apt-get -t unstable install $pkgs

function iterateOver() {
  dirs=`find $1 -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | sort | grep -v $2`
  for f in $dirs
    p=`basename $f`
    echo ""
    echo "Looking at $p"
    echo "stopifnot(require($p, quiet=TRUE)); cat('--- works: $p\n')"| R --slave

## uncomment whatever needs to be run ...

#iterateOver /usr/lib/R/site-library "eco"
#iterateOver /usr/lib/R/library "nothingToIgnore"

## for comparison, my /usr/local tree also tripped up a few
#iterateOver /usr/local/lib/R/site-library "JGR\|JavaGD\|Ruuid\|Rgraphviz\|VGAM\|VLMC\|graph\|iWidgets\|iplots\|portfolio\|rJava"

echo "Done!"

Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something. 
                                                  -- Thomas A. Edison

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