[R-sig-DB] DBI preferred syntax

Seth Falcon @eth @end|ng |rom u@erpr|m@ry@net
Sun Oct 12 00:58:20 CEST 2014

Hey there,

> On Oct 11, 2014, at 10:30 AM, Hadley Wickham <h.wickham using gmail.com> wrote:
> * dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "test") - this is the best way in my
> opinion. It doesn't require that RSQLite be attached, just DBI, which
> I think is the right approach. A DBI backend (in general) should only
> ever provide methods, not new generics, so it shouldn't need to be
> attached. In other words, you should _never_ need require("RSQLite").

I agree with that as a general guideline. 

It might be worth considering that some backends may implement backend specific functionality. While that brings it out of line of DBI, it always bums me out to not have a way to escape the lowest common denominator functionality.  So perhaps there are cases for directly requiring a backend?

+ seth

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