[R-sig-DB] Reading date time fields from MS Access

Anthony S Fischbach @||@chb@ch @end|ng |rom u@g@@gov
Tue Mar 27 20:50:12 CEST 2012

I understand that reading date time fields through ODBC can be 

When reading a table containing several MS Access date time fields, some 
are correctly read, others are not.

In the snippet below, both DateTimeFld1 and DateTimeFld2 are formatted 
identically within 
MS Access.  When read in through RODBC date times in the first field are 
truncated to dates, 
but the second field imports correctly.

I have tried this from both MS Access .mdb and .accdb files, and tried 
both the
odbcConnect and odbcConnectAccess2007 functions with the same results.
When using odbcConnect, I have specified a dsn created by 
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe driver?

Please advise if there may be a solution to reliably handle date time 
fields from MS Access.

> myMSAccessCnx<-"D:/TEMP/TEST.accdb"
> data.ch<-odbcConnectAccess2007(myMSAccessCnx, uid="afischbach")
> data.ch
> Test_tbl<-sqlFetch(data.ch, "Test_tbl")
> Test_tbl[1,]
     PK   DateTimeFld1    DateTimeFld2 
1 41910   2004-04-26      2004-04-27 02:00:00

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