[R-sig-DB] MySQL R Encoding Utf8

Tomoaki NISHIYAMA tomo@k|n @end|ng |rom kenroku@k@n@z@w@-u@@c@jp
Thu Feb 9 01:20:38 CET 2012


dbGetQuery(t.con, "SET NAMES 'utf8'")
before dbSendQuery(t.con, t.sql)
and fetch()
might work.

You might alternatively change the default values for these 
character_set_* variables in MySQL database.


Advanced Science Research Center,
Kanazawa University,
13-1 Takara-machi, 
Kanazawa, 920-0934, Japan

On 2012/02/09, at 3:24, Henri Mone wrote:

> Dear R Users and Experts,
> I got a MySQL table with German special characters (umlaute like ��,��,��
> etc.) . The MySQL database table is in the UTF8 format, and if I
> submit a query over the MySql client the umlaute are displayed
> correctly. If I submit the same query via R the umlaute are displayed
> wrong. That is a little confusing for me, R as well as the MySQL
> support UTF8.
> Is there any option which I should use to get the umlaute in R correct?
> Thanks,
> Henri
>> t.m <-dbDriver("MySQL")
>> t.con <- try(dbConnect(t.m))
>> t.rs <- try(dbSendQuery(t.con, t.sql))
>> t.data <- fetch(t.rs,-1)
>> t.data  # correct would be "��sterreichische Schilling"
> \xd6sterreichische Schilling
> ...

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