[R-sig-DB] RMySQL for windows

Alberto Martin @m@rt|n @end|ng |rom |@|oc@com
Fri Dec 11 14:41:36 CET 2009


            Dear Peter,


My name is Alberto and I would like to connect to SQL data base running R on
Windows and I have read that you got it by means of installing RMySQL. I
have downlodaded the binary version of MySQL for Windows (RMySQL
0.5-7) from http://stat.bell-labs.com/RS-DBI/download/ but I have no idea
how can I use it, because I have two main problems:


*         Error: package 'DBI' 0.1-10 was found, but >= 0.2.2 is required by
'RMySQL': Do you know where can I find the DBIv0.2.2 or latest for Windows?
*         I need the function dbDriver and I do not where can I get it
               Sorry if you find the questions a little silly but I have
been working with R only a few weeks.
               Best regards,           



Alberto Martín García 

Meteorology and Radiation

R & D Department


Instituto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de concentración S.A ISFOC S.A. 

C/ Juan Bravo 22 - 13500 PUERTOLLANO      (Ciudad Real) SPAIN 

Phone: +34 926441673 - Fax: +34 926429142 

e-mail:  <mailto:amartin using isfoc.com> amartin using isfoc.com 


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