[R-sig-DB] RMySQL ; dbWriteTable ; mysqlWriteTable ; additional parameters

H. Felix Wittmann h|w|ttm@nn @end|ng |rom goog|em@||@com
Thu Apr 16 16:09:31 CEST 2009

Unfortunately the dbWriteTable function of the package *RMySQL* does
not support certain parameters found in similar functions such as eol,
qmethod or sep.

I think it would be desirable to have access/control of these
parameters in dbWriteTable. Alternatively one may use a
helper-function using a combination of write.table and the second
method of dbWriteTable
found in the package,

such as

  dbWriteTable.2 <- function (con, name, value, field.types = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE,
						    append = FALSE, nrows = 50, sep = ",",
						    eol='\r\n', skip = 0, quote = '"', ...)
							    pathName <- paste("/tmp/",name,sep='')
							    write.table(value, pathName,eol=eol, sep=sep,qmethod='d')
							    dbWriteTable(con = con , name = name, value = pathName,
field.types = field.types, overwrite = overwrite,
										      append = append, nrows = nrows, sep = sep,
										      eol= eol, skip = skip, quote = quote, ...)
I suppose this is a feature request : could we have something like
this in the package?

Felix Wittmann

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