[R-sig-DB] RPostgreSQL and views
@d@m_pg@q| @end|ng |rom w|tneyweb@org
Mon Feb 23 18:05:16 CET 2009
On 23 Feb 2009, at 16:41, Sebastian P. Luque wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there some way to access PosgreSQL Views with RPostgreSQL?
> dbListTables only lists the tables, and I cannot find a similar
> function
> in the DBI nor RPostgreSQL packages that would do this nor access the
> view directly. Any advice welcome. Thanks.
I have not used RPostgreSQL before, and this is untested, but i guess
you could add this function to RPostgreSQL/R/PostgreSQL.R
setMethod("dbListViews", "PostgreSQLConnection",
def = function(conn, ...){
out <- dbGetQuery(conn,
"select viewname from pg_views where
schemaname !='information_schema' and schemaname !='pg_catalog'",
if (is.null(out) || nrow(out) == 0)
out <- character(0)
out <- out[, 1]
valueClass = "character"
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