[R-sig-DB] RJDBC and JDBC-ODBC bridge read remote Excel!
Alexy Khrabrov
de||ver@b|e @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Sep 17 03:44:16 CEST 2008
Greetings -- just wanted to report that this combination really works
to access Windows ODBC sources from a remote Mac; in particular, from
a Mac inside whose VMWare Fusion a Windows runs!
I've got a JDBC-ODBC bridge from Easysoft.com, it's a commercial
version with free trial (I just wanted a proof of concept, am not
affiliated with it). Created an ODBC source out of an Excel
workbook. Easysoft starts a web server to configure the bridge on
Windows, and even serve the EJOB.jar to the clients. Got that from
the enclosing Mac, and connected with RJDBC!
> jdrv <- JDBC("easysoft.sql.jobDriver","/path/to/EJOB.jar")
> jcon <- dbConnect(jdrv,"jdbc:easysoft://
> dbListTables(jcon)
[1] "stok#summary$"
> dbListFields(jcon,"stok#summary$")
[1] "files" "lines" "words" "chars" "name"
I'm pondering various ways to use Excel alongside with R to visualize
and grasp the data. Alas, ODBC usage locks the Excel file from
editing. Another way is going through a mediating SQL database. It
would be useful to see a view of a data frame in Excel with its grid
and scrolling.
In any case, here's another solution to read Excel spreadsheets from
Mac or another Unix/Linux.
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