[R-sig-DB] dbSendPreparedQuery in RSQLite

James Bullard bu||@rd @end|ng |rom berke|ey@edu
Fri Apr 18 17:43:21 CEST 2008

On Apr 17, 2008, at 4:19 PM, Sean Davis wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 2:04 PM, James Bullard  
> <bullard using berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> Thank you Sean, this worked great. Now the cost of going to the  
>> database
>> pales in comparison to the split that I need to do in the end to  
>> properly
>> divide up the returned data.frame into a list where each member is  
>> a region.
>> It is unfortunate because the data.frame returned to R is sorted in  
>> region
>> order.
>> res <-
>>>> chr location count      region
>>>> 1       10              1               1
>>>> 1       290            10       1
>>>> 2       245            3                2
>>>> 3       10              2               3
>> So then in order to return the object in the appropriate list  
>> fashion I do:
>> split(res, res$region)
>> This splitting dominates the cost of the entire function.  
>> Unfortunately,
>> the splitting doesn't use the fact that it is sorted according to the
>> factor. This I think I will handle by going to the database and  
>> getting the
>> number of rows in a region and then using that vector to partition  
>> up the
>> data (unless of course anyone has any smarter ideas)
> What is the final information that you want to have?  Do you actually
> need the detail of the counts per region, or are you doing some
> aggregate of the data in the end?  In other words, what do you do with
> the data after the split?

Certainly the downstream analysis usually corresponds to some summary  
measure of a region. I am not too familiar with sqlite, but it does  
appear that I have the normal sum, max, min, avg functions which will  
be nice to use when applicable, however there is clearly a desire for  
access to the data within each region when these functions won't  
suffice (fitting models, calculating variances, and quantiles). That  
being said, your point is well taken, often the data.frame  
representation is more of what you want and now I provide both  

As an aside I implemented the method where I split using the bounds of  
each region determined via an SQL query (i.e. I got the number of rows  
corresponding to each region in the resulting data.frame). I then used  
an apply to partition these regions into the resulting list (where  
each element is a data.frame). This was to determine whether or not I  
was paying a cost for the the fact that split assumes that my data is  
unsorted according to the factor -- the results were not encouraging:  
the time spent in sorting during the split seems to pale in comparison  
to the construction of all the region data.frames. In any case, for  
now the running time is more or less acceptable.

thanks again, jim

>> Thanks again, I really appreciate the detailed example it helped
>> tremendously in sorting out the indexing.
> Great.  That is what email lists are all about--we all learn from  
> them!
>> On Apr 16, 2008, at 12:21 PM, Sean Davis wrote:
>>> On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 1:35 PM, James Bullard  
>>> <bullard using berkeley.edu>
>> wrote:
>>>> Okay, well I thought that what I was doing was not easily done  
>>>> with one
>>>> query but since I am wrong more often than not I'll ask and see if
>> anyone
>>>> can think of a way to combine it into one query.
>>>> I have a set of regions:
>>>> regions <- cbind(chr = c(1,2,3), start = c(1,230,4950), end =  
>>>> c(293,
>> 320,
>>>> 19200))
>>>> In the db I have the following table:
>>>> CREATE TABLE count_table (chr, location, count);
>>>> chr location count
>>>> 1       10              1
>>>> 1       290             10
>>>> 2       245             3
>>>> 3       10              2
>>>> The query that I am using is:
>>>> apply(regions, 1, function(region) {
>>>>      paste("SELECT * FROM count_table WHERE chr =", region[1], "AND
>>>> location >=", region[2],  "AND location <=", region[3], ";")
>>>> })
>>>> Which gives me back the following (which is exactly what I want):
>>>> [[1]]
>>>> chr location count__1
>>>> 1   1       10        1
>>>> 2   1      290       10
>>>> [[2]]
>>>> chr location count__1
>>>> 1   2      245        3
>>>> [[3]]
>>>> NULL data frame with 0 rows
>>>> So I don't see any obvious way to pass in multiple ranges, but  
>>>> maybe I
>>>> missing something with using the IN operator, thanks in advance,  
>>>> sorry
>> for
>>>> the long email.
>>>> counts <-
>> data 
>> .frame(chr=c(1,1,2,3),location=c(10,290,245,10),count=c(1,10,3,2))
>>>> dbWriteTable 
>>>> (con,'count_table',counts,row.names=FALSE,overwrite=TRUE)
>>>> dbGetQuery(con,'select * from count_table')
>>> chr location count__1
>>> 1   1       10        1
>>> 2   1      290       10
>>> 3   2      245        3
>>> 4   3       10        2
>>>> regions <- data.frame(chr = c(1,2,3), start = c(1,230,4950), end =
>> c(293, 320, 19200))
>>>> dbWriteTable(con,'regions',regions,row.names=FALSE,overwrite=TRUE)
>>>> dbGetQuery(con,'select * from regions')
>>> chr start end__1
>>> 1   1     1    293
>>> 2   2   230    320
>>> 3   3  4950  19200
>>>> dbGetQuery(con,'select count_table.* from count_table join  
>>>> regions on
>> regions.chr=count_table.chr and count_table.location between  
>> regions.start
>> and regions.end__1')
>>> chr location count__1
>>> 1   1       10        1
>>> 2   1      290       10
>>> 3   2      245        3
>>> So, the principle of a temp table works.  Let's try some  
>>> benchmarking.
>>> Create a random count table of length 100k rows, write it to a
>>> database and create some indexes to speed querying.
>>>> counts <-
>> data 
>> .frame 
>> (chr 
>> = 
>> sample 
>> (1 
>> : 
>> 22,100000 
>> ,replace 
>> = 
>> TRUE 
>> ),location 
>> = 
>> sample 
>> (1 
>> : 
>> 100000000,100000 
>> ,replace=TRUE),count=sample(1:10,100000,replace=TRUE))
>>>> counts[1:5,]
>>> chr location count
>>> 1  14 91737974     5
>>> 2   5 61059218     2
>>> 3   2 23944824     4
>>> 4   3 82907389     9
>>> 5  22 94658940     1
>>>> dbWriteTable 
>>>> (con,'count_table',counts,row.names=FALSE,overwrite=TRUE)
>>> [1] TRUE
>>>> dbGetQuery(con,'create index ct_chr on count_table(chr)')
>>> NULL
>>>> dbGetQuery(con,'create index ct_location on count_table(location)')
>>> NULL
>>> So, to try a benchmark, I wrote a little function that creates  
>>> random
>>> regions (n of them, see function below).  In the tmp table approach,
>>> the data.frame is written to a table in the database and a join is
>>> used.  In the second, the apply() approach is used.  The function
>>> below returns the system.time for each approach.  In my quick
>>> benchmarking, the temp table approach is about 5 times faster
>>> (including writing the temp table) with a count_table of length 100k
>>> rows.  I would expect that it might be a very much larger difference
>>> as the size of the count_table increases, as the indexes on
>>> count_table must be scanned for each of the apply queries and only
>>> once for the temp table/join approach.
>>> benchRegions <- function(n) {
>>> # n is the number of regions.
>>> # returns a list with 2 sets of system times, one for
>>> #  the temp table approach, and one for the apply approach
>>> res <- list()
>>> starts=sample(1:100000000,n,replace=TRUE)
>>> ends=starts+sample(1:1000,n,replace=TRUE)
>>> regions <- data.frame(chr=sample(1:22,n,replace=TRUE),
>>>                       start=starts,
>>>                       end=ends)
>>> res[['tmptab']] <-
>> system 
>> .time 
>> ({dbWriteTable(con,'regions',regions,row.names=FALSE,overwrite=TRUE);
>>> dbGetQuery(con,'select count_table.* from count_table join regions  
>>> on
>>> regions.chr=count_table.chr and count_table.location between
>>> regions.start and regions.end__1')})
>>> res[['apply']] <- system.time(apply(regions, 1, function(region)
>>> {dbGetQuery(con,paste("SELECT * FROM count_table WHERE chr =",
>>> region[1], "AND location >=", region[2],  "AND location <=",
>>> region[3], ";"))
>>> }))
>>> return(res)
>>> }
>>> Hope that helps.
>>> Sean
>>>> On Apr 16, 2008, at 8:47 AM, Sean Davis wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 11:45 PM, James Bullard <bullard using berkeley.edu 
>>>>> >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Yes, in this example that would certainly work. However, I have a
>> large
>>>>>> number of queries in a tight loop and it would be nice to avoid  
>>>>>> the
>>>> overhead
>>>>>> of the query parsing and compiling on each call through the loop.
>>>>> A couple of typical tricks for avoidance of loops is to either:
>>>>> 1) Use an "in" query
>>>>> 2) Use a temporary table (CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE .... or
>>>>> dbWriteTable()) and then do a join
>>>>> If you have hundreds or thousands of queries, it is quite possible
>>>>> that #2 could be much faster.  Benchmarking would be useful  
>>>>> here, but
>>>>> it is definitely worth a try if you are too slow with looping.
>>>>> Sean
>>>>>> thanks again, jim
>>>>>> On Apr 15, 2008, at 7:21 PM, Sean Davis wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:31 PM, James Bullard
>> <bullard using berkeley.edu>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> How do we send prepared queries in RSQLite. We are interested  
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> something along the lines of
>>>>>>>> ps = dbSendPreparedQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE  
>>>>>>>> chr =
>> ?",
>>>>>>>> data.frame("integer"))
>>>>>>>> for( i in 1:2)
>>>>>>>> rs = dbGetPreparedQuery(ps, i)
>>>>>>>> In C it would look something along the lines of
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/sqlite-users@sqlite.org/msg31854.html
>>>>>>> It looks like this is not supported for select statements,  
>>>>>>> though
>> I
>>>>>>> could easily be wrong.  In this particular case, you could  
>>>>>>> rewrite
>>>>>>> your select as:
>>>>>>> "SELECT * from table1 where chr in (1,2)"
>>>>>>> Sean

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