[R-sig-DB] Is any database particularly better at "exchanging" large datasets with R?

Paul Gilbert pg||bert @end|ng |rom b@nk-b@nque-c@n@d@@c@
Wed Feb 6 22:49:53 CET 2008

Sean Davis wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2008 2:10 PM, Thomas Pujol <thomas.pujol using yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Is any database particularly better at "exchanging" data with R?
>>Sometime during the next 12-months, I plan on configuring a new computer system on which I will primarily run "R" and a SQL database (Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc).  My primary goal is to "optimize" the system for R, and for passing data to and from R and the database.
>>I work with large datasets, and therefore I "think" one of my most important goals should be to maximize the amount of RAM that R can utilize effectively.
>>I am seeking advice concerning the database, version of R, OS,  processor, hard-drive/storage configuration, etc. that I should consider. (I am guessing that I should build a system with lots of RAM, and a Linux OS, but am seeking advice from the R community.) If I choose Linux, does it matter which version I use? Any opinion regarding  implementing a commercially supported version from a vendor such as Red Hat, Sun, etc? Is any database particularly better at "exchanging" data with R?
>>While cost is of course a consideration, it is probably a secondary consideration to overall performance, reliability, and ease of ongoing maintenance/support.
> Hi, Thomas.
> As for database, you'll probably need to be more specific about what
> you want to do.  Oracle, MySQL, and Postgresql (at least) have
> packages that support their use from R.  Other databases can be
> configured to use RODBC.  


I thought the only maintained and working interface to Postgres was 
RODBC.  Is there a package somewhere (other than the one for embedding R 
into Postgres)?  Is there a package that uses DBI?


 From the database point of view, Postgresql
> allows one to embed an R interpreter into the database.  As for
> hardware requirements, that will depend on your application, so again,
> you will probably need to be more specific.
> Sean
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